Friday, October 27, 2006

Egg Man

What do the following pictures have in common?

I'm not sure about the first two, but the last one's eyes follow you while walking through downtown Tampa. Look closely. Course, it helps if you have a hot ass and wear tight pants.


At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now its on Real Clear Politics.

Crist 52%
Davis 41%

Have a great weekend!!!

At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Come on now, personal attacks and profanity, arent you liberals more respectful than that. All I am doing is posting the numerous polls with Crist up 9%-12%, and analyzing them.

You dont need to be so angry and hateful that Davis is going to lose.

At 10/27/2006, Blogger kometes said...

You're not angry about the prospect of a Crist win?

Are you

1. Not a homeowner?


2. Not a parent?


3. Completely oblivious to the rampant GOP corruption?


4. Gay?


5. Reverand Dozier?


6. Some combination of the above?

I can't think of a single reason to choose Crist over Davis short of a Koolaid I.V.

At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John F.,

Thanks for saying what I was trying not to! ;-)

At 10/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's great that anonymous and Rich get boners too when they go to a website and see my spread is bigger than Jim's. Mojitos at my place tonight, boys?

At 10/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous @ 2:17 am... No, we learned "Go Fuck Yourself" from our Vice President Dick Cheney while he was standing on the Senate Floor. But, thanks for giving us the props on that one. :)


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