Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Flippin and Floppin Just Like a Flounder

Jim clearly won the debate last night. He put forth a great vision for Florida that includes everyone, especially those forgotten by our current administration. Highlights from the debate:

- Increasing teacher's salaries by $4000
- Reducing homeowner's insurance by 40%
- Reducing property taxes by $1 billion

Jim Davis presented real plans that will help real people right away. Charlie "Stay the Course" Crist offered empty slogans and more of the same. I sat there watching him say nothing at all - just sound bites - and wondered why anyone would nominate such an empty suit in the first place. From the Florida Dems:

Charlie Crist...continued to waffle through the issues, sadly trying to dance around the numerous positions he's taken on every issue of concern to Floridians across the state.

Which of his waffles is the hardest to swallow?

Vote for your favorite here. And don't forget to vote for Jim Davis for governor. Thanks for your support!


At 10/25/2006, Blogger Sunny said...

Jebbie and his administration have never really understood-or bothered to hear-the voice of anguished parents whose children are retained-sometimes twice-in elementary school because of the inability to pass the FCAT. Davis hears those parents and he needs to continue to pound that message home...lawyers have no business sticking their heads into education. Kids are not machines that can be built on an assembly thing I would suggest mention is how Florida students are constantly schooled in how to take the test...creativity is slowing dying the way of the dinosaur...oh, yeah...Science is barely taught in elementary school as well...Social Studies is practically none to score well on the FCAT. Read your Florida Statues, voters...if your kiddo does not pass the FCAT in the third grade...automatic retention....Florida is great about passing laws that automatically "do" things. This one effects your kids. Don't be fooled by Crist. VOTE DAVIS.

At 10/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, your partisan sunglasses are astounding. I am pretty sure I watched the same debate as you, and I would have given a slight advantage to Crist.

In no way did Davis throw any knock out punches, and only hard core partisans think that. You can believe he won if you like, but even the liberal leaning newspapers across the country said it was pretty even.

Just in case like the other partisans, you are believing only 1-2 polls, and ignoring all the others, 7 polls have come out in the last 5 days, and the average has Crist up 9% with only 8% undecided.

There is just not much Davis is going to be able to do, Crist is gonna win. You can disagree, but we will then discuss it November 8th when Crist won.

At 10/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are clearly a partisan as well, showing the typical democrat wealth envy scenario. Rising home values lifts virtually all boats. Home ownership rate in FL is 71%.

If you want an independent non partisan view, listen to my wife. She hates anything political, and doesnt want to watch any news at all. (luckily for me she asks me who to vote for, and does it)

She sat down next to me during the debate while i had a meal she wanted bites from, and after 10 minutes, she said she cant watch it anymore b/c the Davis guy just keeps saying the same thing 'I stand up to george bush and republicans'.

She said she couldnt take his lines anymore. She was wondering why he kept talking about washington and george bush when he was running in Florida.

In case you think she is partisan, at one point she also said, charlie didnt even answer that question (about growth). I said, yea, he does that sometimes.

At 10/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. Partisan. That hurts.

Yes, I am partisan and for a very good reason - I am a Democrat. I have yet to meet a Republican candidate I can believe in or even support.

Jim Davis won last night because he gave real answers - not empty sound bites.

Yes. Please tell me more insight from the little lady who votes the way she's told to vote. Way to find 'em caveman. LOVE IT.

At 10/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not quite there Kate, she is no cavewoman living like the 1800's, she just says politics is too negative, so she wants to hear none of it. She works full time, and we share all housework, like most people these days. She just doesnt care about politics at all.

The 'empty sound bites', that is what the 'partisan democrats' are saying. I know Crist didnt answer the growth answer first, and he barely answered one other question, but the rest were very clear and simple answers, which is what folks like anyways.

At 10/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yea, Kate, Im still waiting on your response to me showing you that Quinnipiac is the outlier poll, and you cant only believe that one poll:

Mason-Dixon, Crist 50-39
Zogby, Crist 50-41
Rasmussen, Crist 46-41
Quinnipiac, Crist 46-44
Cromer, Crist 49-38
AIF, Crist 46-32
Strat. Vis., Crist 51-42



Quinnipiac just came out with a poll with Cruella Deville down 64-29 to Nelson. While i know Harris will lose, ALL other polls show Harris down 17-26%, not 35%. That was the same sample as Crist poll. They are oversampling democrats.

At 10/25/2006, Blogger Chase Squires said...

Oh, lord you two ...

I got my mail ballot last week and voted, it's too late for either of you, I'm done, I voted, over and out ... (oh, and I live in Colorado) .. Hey, I voted to leagalize pot! Mile High City indeed ..

And, bought a condo, pics on the blog, cool place ...

cheers, chase

At 10/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im still waiting for your counter on the NUMEROUS other polls that show Crist up. The spinning liberals arent believing any polls except quinnipiac, which I have PROVEN oversampled democrats, and is inaccurate.

At 10/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First things first - you said that only liberals think Davis won? Think again.

TAMPA – In this morning’s editions, newspapers across Florida reported that during last night’s debate, Davis made a strong impression and effectively drove home his commitment to bringing about change in Florida, as opposed to his opponent’s stay-the-course strategy. Listed below is just a sampling of the good reviews of Davis’s debate performance:

St. Petersburg Times editorial: “Davis Spoke More Clearly And Specifically About The Issues”

Jim Davis had a good night Tuesday night, and Charlie Crist had an average one. In the first televised debate between the candidates for governor, Davis spoke more clearly and specifically about the issues that matter most to Floridians: taxes, education and homeowners insurance…He put his best foot forward Tuesday night.” [St. Petersburg Times editorial, 10/25/06]

Adam Smith, St. Petersburg Times: Davis “Came Off As Sharp, Substantive”

“Davis…came off as sharp, substantive and better-equipped with specifics than Republican Attorney General Crist… Davis has dramatically improved… Davis scored points when he repeatedly pressed Crist for not supporting tax relief for businesses and renters…He may have made a strong impression on some of those strangers Tuesday, and gave his supporters reason for excitement in the final stretch.” [Adam Smith, St. Petersburg Times, 10/25/06]

St. Petersburg Times: Davis “Showed A More Aggressive Side”

“Davis…showed a more aggressive side. He portrayed Crist as a symbol of the status quo of high student dropout rates and rising taxes, who has refused to stand up to the insurance industry as attorney general… Davis warned a restive electorate that Crist is the candidate who would ‘stay the course’ at a time when change is needed.” [St. Petersburg Times, 10/25/06]

Orlando Sentinel: “It Was Clear Davis Was Ready”

“Tuesday night marked Davis' long-awaited opportunity to share the stage with Crist, who has avoided joint appearances with his opponent and been content to rely on an avalanche of 30-second TV ads. And it was clear Davis was ready.” [Orlando Sentinel, 10/25/06]

Tampa Tribune: Davis “Turned The Attack Around”

“Davis diffused Crist's attempts to gain the higher ground on civil rights…Davis said both Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee accepted his apology and noted that Pitts was in attendance at Nova Southeastern University in Davie to support him at the debate. He then turned the attack around.” [Tampa Tribune, 10/25/06]

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate names all liberal papers it's a shame she is a teacher who has and influence on our children. Davis is a no-show elected official who clearly lost the debate because he stands for nothing. I can't wait till the election is over and the Dems are crying saying if we only picked Rod Smith another liberal loser.

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually kate only cut and pasted from Jim Davis web site. How lame Kate, you cant even come up with the whole article. EVERY newspaper, which I read every article, just said they traded jabs, Davis did this well, Crist did this well, blah blah. NOT a single paper said davis won AT ALL.

THe Jim Davis website simply cut tidbits from each article and posted it on their site, making it look like he dominated. How sad.

Is that all you liberals have, then i have got your number nailed, and you dont have anything.

BTW Kate, why do u keep ignoring me PROVING that the quinnipiac poll is wrong and that Crist is actually leading by 8% to 11%. So sad you cant come back with anything.

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

angrywhiteman sez what?

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, you have nothing factual.

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, I am posting the polls that are FACTS, supporting the FACT that crist is up by 8% to 11%. See my 2:20 post.

I showed the FACT that the quinnipiac poll is wrong, and oversampled democrats, as they showed Harris behind 35%, when ALL other polls show Harris behind 17-26%. That is a FACT.

I showed the FACT that all the newspapers in FLorida said they just traded jabs at each other, with NO winner.

These are FACTS that Kate will not answer when she falsely says Davis is tied with Crist, based on one poll that has been PROVEN to be wrong. And i know Kate will NEVER answer me PROVING that Crist really is up 8% to 11%.

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I speak for liberals all over the state who saw a winner in Jim Davis Tuesday night. I also believe that as election day nears, more people will turn from Crist and vote for Davis.

So suck it.

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, who is this loser named Rich and what the hell does he think he's accomplishing here????

At 10/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Me not being a raging partisan liberal means i am a loser? Not quite, who has been losing races for a decade now.

I am keeping you liberals who spin faster than washing machines straight on the true facts.

Trust me, I will be here monitoring for unfactual spin, and will pounce on it, and keep you liberals up to date on the polls that are coming out with Crist ahead comfortably.

At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are a loser because you apparently have nothing better to do than "pounce" on "raging liberals" blogsites with plenty of homegrown wisecracks.

Go give your wife another order - that should keep you busy enough.


At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becky, its far left hater partisan liberals like you that get me the energy to gloat after Crist pounces Davis into the ground. If you liberals were even civil, I would not do any of this.

And of course as a conservative hating liberal, you make a derogatory line calling me some kind of old school caveman running my wife's life comment. How sad that you have to resort to personal attacks constantly. Ever thought of sticking to the FACTS?

I guess when you have NO facts on your side, and you been losing elections for 10 years, personal attacks are all you have left. So sad.

At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fight nice, kids.

At 10/27/2006, Blogger lisa said...

Don't bring cavemen into this. Remember those Geico commercials!

At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another poll showing Crist up over 10% for you liberals to chew on. This is about the 4th in a row with Crist up 9% or more.

Have a nice day!!

At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check out the side area with the latest polls. Its not posted on Rasmussen or Real Clear Politics yet, but it has been completed.

Crist 52%
Davis 41%

Kate and liberals, do you see the writing on the wall yet?

At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which writing would that be? The one saying that if those polls are accurate, then Florida voters seem to be about to make a big mistake or the one where polls only seem to be significant to people when they're in support of one's own side? And where the hell did all this graffiti come from, anyway? Wasn't Jeb supposed to clear all that up or something?


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