Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'll Take Your Pride for a Ride if You Let Me

Charlie Crist is losing friends left and right.

Pun intended.


At 10/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That site hurt my eyes. And I imagine my ears would have been punished had I had the sound on.

Nothing worse than having a good message ruined by page design that would make MySpace kids say "that sucks".

All snarkiness aside, I couldn't make it through more than one or two of those headlines below the Foley pictures. The blue on black actually physically makes my eyes hurt. I wish I had the time to help this guy with his design. Maybe some other loyal OiL Field (it's a pun!) reader can find a few minutes to spruce it up and make the hurting stop.

At 10/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, "page design that would make MySpace kids say 'that sucks'". Hehe.


At 10/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Kate, I have said before, linking Crist to Foley and calling him gay is a humungous stretch. Democrats dont have anything on him, so they are focusing on this?

Too bad Crist is leading by double digits. Im sure you have been following the polls.

Two out today, one Crist up 53-43, and the other Crist up 49-30. Looks like the liberal hopes that Foley would bring Crist down were a pipe dream at best.

At 10/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure glad Jim is so much more well known than Rod Smith!

What a joke!

Did you see some of the headlines in the papers today about the polls? "Charlie Crist with a double digit lead over Jim who??"

I am going to vote for Davis but that whole argument about Davis being more well known kind of rings a little hollow.


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