It's Time to Set the Record Straight
Charlie Crist doesn't understand our lives.
He's never had to balance family and career. He has no idea what it takes to navigate children through school. He's never felt the crunch of rising property taxes, burdensome homeowner's insurance, and the part this plays in a sagging real estate market.
How could he understand? Charlie Crist is divorced, no kids, and has never even owned a home. Charlie Crist is hopelessly out of touch with Florida's families.
Jim Davis is a loving and devoted husband with two children who enjoy a fine education in our public schools. He's owned the same home for over a decade and is firmly entrenched in our community. Jim Davis is one of us.
Charlie Crist takes millions from special interest groups to run ads about tax and spend liberals. Who is he kidding? My taxes keep going up - along with homeowner's insurance, gas prices, etc. - and I'm represented by Republicans. Nothing but neocons as far as the eye can see.
Jim's right. If you want more of the same, vote for Crist. If you'd like to see our governor represent the people, send one of the people to Tallahassee. Vote for Jim Davis.
Come on, Kate, you think Jim Davis has really felt the crunch of rising property taxes? You think Jim Davis doesn't take money from special interests?
Owning a home and having kids doesn't put Davis in touch with Florida's families.
Your property taxes go up because your property value goes up. Sure, you can complain when you get your TRIM notice, but when you do finally sell your home, all that extra equity will sure be nice. Moreover, the governor has very little effect on property taxes (other than the local effort required in the FEFP, state government doesn't touch property taxes) - so how can Davis help you there?
Sorry, but I don't see anything from Davis that make me think he can do anything to move the state forward. Especially given the fact that the Legislature will be 2/3rds Republican and able to override any veto he tries to do. Especially given the fact that Davis keeps calling them children.
That's sad. Especially since he's been going on and on about taxes and insurance and all the rest. Though, not owning a home doesn't neccessarily mean someone won't be a good chief executive. I remember hearing that until they left the White House, the Clintons never owned a home.
Crist is still to neo-con anyway. And like a true neo-con, he talks a big game, but can't back it up with a damn thing.
to = too... dammit
is charlie christ really homeless?
he may just get a pity vote from me now!
Jim's commitment to family shows he is in touch with most Floridians' values.
The "family values" crowd is only so when such a stance is convenient. I always thought it was more a "cut programs and taxes so I can afford a plasma tv" crowd, but Charlie and Repubs had 8 years and our taxes (along with so many other things) keep going up. So what the hell are they for?
Experience matters.
Crist never owned a home.
Bush never had a brain (and no foreign policy experience).
Cheney never had a heart.
Powell never had any courage.
We never had a chance.
What taxes went up, Kate?
Don't say 'property tax' because that is, well, wrong. Are you paying local governments more money this year than in the past? Sure. But that is because you have the wonderful privilege of having a house that is appreciating in value. In most areas, the ad valorem rate has actually decreased - so that means your taxes have been cut.
(In fact, do some quick math, how much would you have been paying this year if the millage rate had not changed? Probably 30-40% MORE. So, thank the Republicans!)
It would be like complaining that you're paying more income taxes because you are making more money.
Besides, I thought liberals liked paying taxes to provide needed government services!! ;-)
Willing to a friendly wager on the election? I'll even give you points.
What will you give me if I win?
We will both agree to sing the praises of the other's candidate if we lose. You write a positive post about the good things that will happen with Charlie Crist and I will write one about the good things that will happen with Jim Davis.
We write them BEFORE the election and email them to each other. Then on election night, the loser posts his or her version on his or her blog.
Or... if it is hard to do, we could ghost write each other's versions and then post as our own.
I know it's not a sexy bet... but it would be interesting... and if you don't like it, you could suggest an alternative.
Damn right, it's not sexy. I would have preferred something like - the loser has to wear a toga and feed the winner grapes for two hours in front of a webcam.
Jeez...but okay, I'm in. We'll write them ourselves. If I think of anything else, I'll letcha know.
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