Personally, I Wouldn't Want to Go Out Like That
Bob Lassiter’s blog scared the sh*t out of me.
Bob was an acerbic radio talk show host and for the past year has kept a blog about his struggle with cancer. Bob lost that struggle Friday morning.
I take my politics with a side of funny. Yelling at those who believe differently serves no purpose. Therefore, Lassiter’s radio program was a complete turn-off. He would scream at the same people who were screaming at me so I should have thanked him. Instead I felt sorry for him. Mad Dog seemed so unhappy.
Perhaps Lassiter was a joy to be around. I have no idea. From this listener’s standpoint, he appeared in constant crisis: spiritually, emotionally, and philosophically. I sent him happy thoughts and listened to WMNF instead.
When I heard he was dying, I read his blog and discovered the same tortured soul. Perhaps I don't understand the anger and bitterness of a life cut short; however, I’ve known people fighting cancer. Many had a certain kind of peaceful determination. A few even approached the end with humor and transcendental happiness.
Not Bob. He lashed out at others until the very end. Seriously? His last thoughts are a rant on the phonies of the world?
Perhaps we face death the way we face life. It certainly appears that way. Which means that dry skin and inappropriate humor will be with me until the end.
Bob Lassiter didn't want a visitation or memorial service. Funerals are for mourners; rituals to help those who hurt get through the heartbreak. For whatever reason, Bob has denied his loved ones the opportunity to formally gather and grieve.
I can’t pretend to understand why one makes choices that hurt not only others, but themselves as well. Praise Bob Lassiter for living and dying by his own rules. But, did his actions and beliefs contribute to his demise? Did they lead to peace and wisdom or hopelessness and despair?
To the people who share similar traits – crazy characters I love and worry about because they are angry at God, the world and everyone in it – I encourage you to read Blog Lassiter. Find a way to discover the beauty of life and the joy in people, even those who disagree with you.
Cause the end is coming. And it ain’t pretty.
to quote someone we love and miss...yeeeeee
Any movement on The House?
Colorado's weather is changing fast, I'm at my home computer, looking out this giant, victorian window at the snow falling. I forgot about snow. It's nice ... well, the first one is nice ...
Seasons, what a concept!
He didn't die of cancer. His kidneys failed. He had diabetes. Whatever you think of him, get your facts straight.
According to several news outlets, Lassiter was suffering from bladder cancer and kidney failure when he died. However, how he died emotionally was more my point.
Thanks for getting me, AP.
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