Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Do My Best to do No Harm

Oh, my, another year's gone by...

Here we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving and I again dare you to watch this newest presentation about your soon-to-be dinner plate. Only a few minutes out of your day -

Do you have the nerve,
the stamina,
the balls to sit through it?

You owe it to yourself to try.

How can anyone who believes in God also believe this is justified? Okay, so you don't believe in a higher power. You must acknowledge that nothing healthy can come from this type of suffering. Think about tumors and ulcers encased within white and dark meat. Yummy.

I'm just asking you to consider these images before you pop a drumstick into your mouth. Come on, do you really believe this type of cruelty is acceptable? After a meal of stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, maybe a salad and some rolls - will you really have room for anything else? Have a slice of pumpkin pie instead. Whipped cream on me.

Yummy indeed.


At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkey. With gravy.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on changing anyone's mind. I have heard that footage is old, and those practices don't necessarily occur any more in that particular place, but who really knows. It's expensive and difficult to have an updated report on those kinds of things on a regular basis. Investigators usually have to be sneaky. Hey, what about free range organic turkey? I think there is a compromise here, though not for me, no thank you. Tofurkey all around!

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would try tofurkey. Why not? But usually the sides more than fill me up. Same with the kids. So there's really no need for the dead bird.

Stay thin, healthy, make a better planet and do no harm. What could be better????

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What could be better? More turkey!
Smoked turkey is FTW.

I like to stir 'ish up.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? So the fact that they're harmed is of no concern?

No judgments. I'm just curious.

My dad couldn't care less and I still love him. So feel free to be yourself.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my lord kate,

The vegetarian cruelty to animals routine talking points. Come on.

When exactly are you leaving this state to go to Colorado?

I can find people to look at buying your house if you like. Just renounce your citizenship to the state of Florida the day you leave please.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that old argument: "Come on." So effective.

Matthew Scully even thinks there's something wrong with mistreating animals. And he's clearly on your side of the aisle.

Which begs the question: What's wrong with you?

At 11/15/2006, Blogger Joel said...

Rich: Charlie Crist won - shouldn't you be a little less pissy now?

Amanda and I make an effort to buy organic when we can. Yes, you're still killing them, and I know that label is starting to mean less and less, but it's at least some peace of mind.

At the risk of sounding callous, I ultimately can't feel too guilty about the treatment considering they're still going to die so I can eat them (I figure we got these grindy teeth for more than just leafy greens). But you can make effort to avoid the truly mistreated animals - don't eat fast food.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am less pissy, i guess my post might have sounded pissy, didnt mean it that way.

I could give my argument to this, but Kate would certainly discount it, since it is biblical. However I do not condone the way some farms have gotten as to injecting the animals, feeding them govt subsidized corn to fatten them up, you know, stuff like that.

The animals should just be bred, raised on the farm, and humanely killed at full growth. If we have to pay more for our food, so be it.

My wife and I buy some organics, not all though. Many of them are hard to find.

I am encouraging Kate to leave FL b/c she clearly is far out of the mainstream here in FL, and CO where she is moving will be MUCH closer to her thought process. An even better place for her would be sonoma county, CA. Talk about a bunch of tree and animal hugging envirowackos.


Just b/c one republican says its bad, doesnt mean the rest of us are wrong.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Rich. You know so much about me.

I encourage people who eat meat to choose organic and/or some kosher products because they are humane and healthy. I encourage some people who are disturbed by factory farming to try a vegetarian lifestyle if they think it might be for them. I love and adore the freakydeaks in my life who wear fur, eat veal and they love me, too.

I speak out against violence done to animals as a JEW who believes God calls on us (through humane kosher laws - can't get more biblical than that) to treat animals HUMANELY.

How does that make me out of the mainstream? And even more curious -how does that put me at home in Colorado (where practically everyone hunts)?

Eating animals isn't necessarily bad. Mistreating them before the killing is bad and I don't give a flying f*ck if you or any other republican agree or not. I can see an animal getting its head bashed in by someone who is clearly enjoying at KNOW it's awful. I mentioned Matthew Scully because you seem to believe that kindness toward animals is something only liberals call for and you're wrong.

About so much.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Tofurky wasn't the heinous experience I had expected it to be. Taste-wise, it doesn't really compare and the texture is...odd, but if you judge it own it's own merits, it's not half bad. Sort of like new Battlestar Galactica versus old Battlestar Galactica: both shows are good in their own way, but really only share a couple of names and Richard Hatch.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You cannot argue that Florida is not a swing state that clearly leans republican. So I would call that a center right state.

So people who are in the mainstream here in FL are mainstream republicans to moderate democrats. That leaves out the radical republicans and the mainstream to liberal democrats.

I would put you in either the mainstream or liberal category, which in either case, is out of the mainstream.

Argue if you want that i am mistaken, but you showed your incredible disrespect and almost hatred for Crist during the race, and he is a centrist, who got 21% of the democrat vote, and even 18% of the black vote, almost as much as Michael Steele in maryland.

The only people who were so adament that Crist had to lose were the far left liberals, out in left field.

You may think Colorado is just hunter central, but its not like that there, except in more rural areas. Look at Denver and Boulder, and you will know what i mean when you will fit in there better. Trust me, I came from Ann Arbor, Boulder and Ann Arbor consult each other on policy.

At 11/15/2006, Blogger Joel said...

I believe Kate is moving to Colorado Springs - she may as well be Lenin, Stalin and Marx rolled into one socialist Slavic sandwich in Colorado Springs.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joel, as always, is right. When my boys and I arrive permanently in The Springs, we will effectively double the Jewish and I alone will double the liberal population.

I like how you can't defend cruelty to animals so you shift the argument. Coward ass.

I didn't show disrespect or hatred for Charlie. I "fought hard" for my guy - to borrow the phrase of a man I respect - and acted accordingly. It's easy for schmucks who sit at home behind a computer to rail against those of us out there fighting the good fight because you don't actually *do* anything. So very easy.

Keep on keepin' on, hater. LOVE it.

At 11/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MMMMMMM more meat I love it. Those turkeys are bred to be eaten. You animal rights freaks care more about animals than children who are abused everyday.

Get a life!

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, 1) I care about abused children more than abused animals and speak out about both; 2) I would never picket or outlaw a person's ability to chew on animal flesh; 3) Rich is a coward ass.

AP - Cloned meat sounds yucky but people eat beef jerky so I suppose there is a market for it - especially among the NASCAR sect. If it means animals are spared killing and cruelty, then I suppose I'd prefer cloned meat were used instead of the real thing. I'd still speak out against it in much the same way I do about trans fats and teflon coated clothing. Cause I rock that way.

At 11/16/2006, Blogger Jim Johnson said...

While I didn't watch your videos, I can tell you that I have absolutely no problem with the killing of animals that are purposefully raised to be food.

As someone who worked as a butcher for about 6 months, I understand where our meat comes from... and how much non-meat there is in a dish such as bbq ribs or chicken wings. Some vegetarians often ask if a meat eater has the cojones to slaughter the animals they eat -- I would if I had to. Thankfully, I don't. I can walk into Publix, select a steak or turkey or pork chops that have been prepared for me.

There really is nothing like turkey on Thanksgiving with turkey gravy. You can keep the sides, I'll take the dead bird.

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who worked for a butcher, you especially should be appalled at such unprofessional and cruel practices as the ones showed in those videos you couldn't even bring yourself to watch.

Killing humanely and torturing - two different things. And none of you has yet to convince that such cruelty is justified.

Enjoy your turkey and ulcers and tumors and contributing to an immoral industry that takes pleasure in torturing God's creatures. (Unless you eat organic turkeys, that's exactly what you're doing.)

I'll keep my side dishes, thanks.

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think "takes pleasure in torturing" is going a bit overboard. It's certainly a business and the point of a business is to be profitable and people have spoken and, by and large, they want so much breast meat on the average turkey that it falls down in a light breeze (sort of like a real life Barbie would, but that's an uncomfortable comparison).

So it's a simple case of supply and demand. To suggest turkey farmers or livestock farmers of any sort are gaily traipsing around their slaughter yards saying, "First we're gonna make them strip naked, then we'll waterboard them, then, after a light lunch, we'll take some pictures and slaughter them," is probably not helpful.

My own religious faith is slowly forcing me to seriously consider the vegetarian option, despite a life long love of meat and growing up on a farm. So I fully support people showing the positive benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle. If I have to give up delicious animal flesh so I can look at myself in the mirror in the morning, then I sincerely hope there are some benefits. And not just those crap benefits people were throwing around when I quit smoking, like living longer (oh, good, more days to crave a cigarette so much I'd cheerfully shoot my own mother in the face for one) or not smelling like an ashtray (which I guess means my friends are very superficial, because I would hope my humor, intelligence and compassion would outweigh my smell).

Accusing farmers of being "torturers", however, is just not good rhetoric.

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not accusing farmers of being torturers. I'm accusing the people in the videos to which I linked of being torturers. Christ. Didn't any of you watch it? They were laughing about kicking the "motherf*ckers" in the head! Don't tell me it's bad rhetoric. Watch it yourself.

It's the truth.

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Kate, I have watched it. Yes, I agree it's a violent process. Yes, I agree that taking pleasure in violent death is bad. Indeed, I've seen my grandmother and great-grand mother wring the necks of chickens, slaughter pigs and butcher cows on the farm. Please don't insinuate that because my opinion differs slightly from your own I am somehow callous or uninformed.

And yes, actually, you did accuse farmers of being torturers. You said, "Enjoy your turkey and ulcers and tumors and contributing to an immoral industry that takes pleasure in torturing God's creatures." Part of that "immoral industry" is the farmer who raises those turkeys. Sometimes the farmer does his own slaughtering, sometimes not, but you used a very broad, indiscriminate brush.

Like I said, Kate, I greatly appreciate people who point out why going vegetarian is a good thing, even if I resist it for a couple more years. However, like most people, I don't appreciate scare tactics, blanket guilt or generalizations which sound like they come from a good heart, but feel like a pointing finger.

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. Fine. Apparently I could be a bit more clear. Here goes: If you aren't biting into a home-grown or organic turkey - if you are sucking down something that comes from a factory-farming type scenario - then you are supporting an immoral industry and eating tumors and other such sh*t. Once more for those in the cheap seats - I am talking about FACTORY FARMING. SLAUGHTER HOUSES. PROCESSING PLANTS.

These are bad, bad places and should be put out of business. The only way to do that is to *change minds*. I'm doing my best. So suck it.

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So suck it."
leftover turkey pop-sickles

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And of course you couldn't go an entire entry in your blog without taking MY Lord's name in vain.

Its fine that you think you are a Jew now, just respect those of us who have faith in our lord Jesus Christ.

At 11/16/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh by the way Jesus ate animals!

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous -


Let me guess, you support Ted haggard, too...

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I use the word "Christ", I'm not taking your Lord's name in vain. I'm calling for help. And he usually gives it. Cause he likes me. Homeboy thought he was a Jew, too.

I kinda hope you come back and yell at me again. Because I love love love AP coming to my rescue. So keep it up hater. HOT.

At 11/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! AP knows how to use a dictionary. What did you spend all night at your local Starbucks with the beatniks in order to come up with that response.

Give me a break sir. You are a complete goof!

At 11/18/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know AP is a sir and not a ma'am? Do you believe only men can be educated or professors? Does this have anything to do with a lousy childhood? Mommy not let you suck long enough?

Just because you need a dictionary to spell "castigation" doesn't mean the rest of us are illiterate or influenced by chain coffee houses.

Tell us who you are, sad sad sweetie and we'll help you get through the anger and sorrow to become whole again. With Jesus' help.


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