Saturday, November 04, 2006

Put Your Sewer Boots On

"When human beings deny who they are - problems naturally arise." - Catherine Durkin Robinson

I'm not always right. Although it certainly appears that way. And Colorado Springs is gonna be my home, one of these days. Can hardly wait.

h/t to Addison


At 11/04/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole thing is just awful. The guy has a wife and five children. Five children. I can't help but feel sorry for those kids in this mess.

Supposedly Haggard has admitted to getting a massage from Mike Jones and buying crystal from him. I mean, when I go to my massage person, I know that what really relaxes me is some calming, new age music, a little incense and monster hit of tina.

He claims he bought the crystal because he was curious...but he never actually smoked it. He also claims to have never smoked Jones' pole. So no "happy ending" for Haggard.

Seriously, though, did any of us buy this excuse when Clinton used it? And most of us actually liked Clinton.

At 11/04/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What bothers me most is this man actively sought to villify homosexuals and worked to promote anti-gay legislation.

The hypocrisy of such self-haters is destructive to all of us. Shame on him.


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