Friday, November 17, 2006

The Ship is Docking


  • given a verbal commitment to stay in my current position at Superior High School until June. And, as Jim Johnson will attest, I am a woman of my word.
  • Reserved round-trip, instead of one-way, tickets for our Colorado trip during Winter Break. Means we're coming back.
  • Talked Mom into purchasing Spamalot tickets for shows in January.
  • Paid for the boys to play soccer and the season doesn't end until Spring. We all know I don't throw money away. Ever.
  • Paid for Hebrew school tuition through the end of the year. (See above explanation. Applies here as well.)

And the Passion Party people know my billing information by heart.

In other words, I'll be in Tampa for another six months. You're stuck with me. Which probably means someone will make us an offer on the house this weekend.

Doesn't matter. We're here, queer, get used to it.

Oh, and Rich? Handle it.


At 11/17/2006, Blogger Sunny said...

Who would possibly WANT to leave the glorious Sunshine State??? Ha HA!

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I can handle it. You along with many liberals will be gone by the 2008 election. Thats all I care about.

125 people a day leaving over the last year, expected to continue. And democrat registrations have actually declined over the last 2 years, by 50,000 registrations. I have to say, I like the trend.

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Get laid.


At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo, more personal attacks. Once again that is all liberals have. Thanks, I get it plenty.

Maybe if you liberals had any true facts to support your rambles, you wouldnt have to personally attack your partisan opponents.

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am not certain why you think Im paranoid of liberals, or scared of them. Overally there are two basic types of liberals.

The angry at republicans constantly liberals, they cannot even be reasoned with, for they loathe anything and everyone who does not support their views.

Second, is the "living in a theoretica world" liberal, these are extremely fun and nice people, but just envision a society that cannot happen. They want the US to have a one world type government, where it is our responsibility to feed everyone in the world, and everyone in our country, no matter how corrupt other govts are, and how lazy the people in the US are. It sounds nice, but can never happen, without utterly destroying the economy, and thus causing the opposite of what they intended.

I in no way fear liberals, I fear liberal policy. If they put through more cradle to grave entitlement programs, it will only be a matter of time before the US economy is crashing and burning due to severe overtaxing, and then 10% unemployment will be the norm.

As for the angry liberal policy, i dont even fear that, those ideas will never get through to law, except maybe in Vermont.

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, hello? This was supposed to be about how happy everyone is in Florida to keep me around a little while longer and how sad everyone is in Colorado to miss me until summertime.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, you put the sunshine in sunshine state. Rich, you seem like the type that always has to have the last word. Con or Lib, I'll listen to whomever, but that's annoying. From what I've seen and read, in general, people on this site are playful and don't take themselves so seriously.

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 more months of Kate and 4 more years of Republican leadership in Tallahassee. It doesn't get any better than that!

At 11/17/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't know, Johnny. I think you're being too hard on Bobby. My friend from Orlando really does like me and all my liberal ways. And even though he supports Republican policies that damage our planet, children, the elderly, and poor...well, I try not to hold that against him. He has excellent taste in bloggers, after all.

But Rich is an assbag. No question about that one.


At 11/17/2006, Blogger Chase Squires said...

Ack, sorry to hear you're stuck there!! Ski season is here!!!!

If you and yours make it up to Denver, be sure to drop a note, we'd love to show you around the Big City ... No guarantees with my sked, but I'd darn sure try .. heading down to The Springs tmrw to listen to Alberto Gonzales defend warrantless wiretaps tomorrow at the Air Force Academy... I've already read the speech, he defends it by pointing out George Washington steamed open letters to read them in defense of the country ... today, that'd be illegal ... I would like to think.

serious, drop a note if'n you'll be up this way.

At 11/18/2006, Blogger luckylucas said...

6 more months...? YEAH! I mean, I'm sorry you won't be able to move sooner, but I'm taking glee in that fact! :)


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