And I Thought it was Known
Animals were not put on this earth for our entertainment.
Go ahead and roll your eyes.
A killer whale has a bad morning, no one picks up on her grumpiness so she drags her trainer to the bottom of a pool and almost kills him. Who do I feel sorry for? The whale.
These creatures swim thousands of miles every day and are now kept captive inside a tiny pool, trained to jump and make spectacles of themselves for a bunch of mouthbreathers.
Sea World, the circus and rodeos - boycott them all.
I agree about Sea World, the Circus and Rodeos. How do you feel about zoos?
Depends on the zoo. Lowry seems okay - but then they killed an animal recently due to human error. So who knows about even them anymore?
I knew you'd write about this Kate, good for you. Not one article I read about this accident mentioned protesters, or how SEA creatures are not meant to be in tiny pools, the results that can come of it, and so on. At least they didn't ax the whale. I hope the guy is ok, but this is what can happen and people need to pay attention. But of course, this is a money maker so no one will really do much in the long run, ie: close the pools. As for zoos, I think they are great if they are not for profit: (Denver zoo) and work to promote wildlife conservation. I'd like to think most of them do that. I think Lowry is good but they do keep bison and camels, and Florida may not be the best environment for them, but what do I know.
Swim thousands of miles a day?
Yoiks, doing some quick math here, even if we take "thousands" to mean just two thousand, that means they move about the deep briny at a steady rate of ... 83 miles per hour?
Damn, sounds like a threat to shipping: "Rocket Whales Torpedo Cruise Ship, Buffet Delayed by Hours"
I read this in the paper with amusement. I like to think that the whale was like, "I am throwing off your chains of oppression! Here's your goddamned stunt! I will not be bought with herring any longer!"
My brain is very cartoony.
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