Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm in a Rhyme Zone; A Different Time Zone

Colorado Springs is experiencing a blizzard and sub-zero temps. Not sure which by-product of cold weather I'm enjoying more:

- hot chocolate-burned tongues
- dry skin
- trucks plowing snow outside bedroom window before Matt Lauer makes waking up an enjoyable proposition
- frozen snot
- spending half an hour bundling up children who stay outside ten minutes
- constantly erect nipples (big fan!)
- hat hair + static cling = frightened dinner party
- vaseline's many uses
- asking about grocery delivery services and getting awkward silence in response ("That's how they did it in Boston. You mean we have to drive in this weather?")


At 12/20/2006, Blogger Addison said...

And you want to move there why?

At 12/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm...hello...I mentioned the nipples, right?

At 12/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the children problem is easy. The next time they go out, just lock the door. I mean, it works with cats

At 12/22/2006, Blogger Joel said...

You're not, John - my mom lives in New Mexico where most of the roads leading out of her town are closed because of snow. All I could think of was, "Wanna trade?"

I'd honestly settle for, gee, I don't know, 50s?!

At 12/22/2006, Blogger luckylucas said...

Seriously - John - I give you a month with weather like that & you'll be begging to be back in Tampa! That's what I'm thinking back here in Iowa. More like "WHAT AM I THINKING?!". Kate - be glad you have snow. Here's it's just COLD. :( Stay warm!


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