On the Microphone, You Know that I'm at Home
Conservatives have allowed religious whackjobs to hijack their movement. Dig on this: Ten Principles of Conservatism. I've taken the liberty of publishing these so-called principles with what they *didn't say* in bold.
No really. It was my pleasure. Gotta do something while the weather is frightful.
1. God’s Law Governs Nations as Well as Men.
The Ten Commandments should not only be enshrined in our courthouses, they should be engraved in our hearts and minds as guides to all behavior, public and private. This doesn't apply to our elected officials or pastors. Obviously. As the Founders acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence, laws and policies that violate the natural law are abuses of government power that must be resisted and reversed. I haven't actually *read* the Declaration of Independence. I was homeschooled.
2. Life Is the First God-Given Right
It’s always wrong to deliberately take an innocent human life. When this principle is abridged, violence escalates. Thus we have aborted 47 million unborn babies in the past three decades, begun to accept euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide, and stand at the threshold of cloning human beings for the specific purpose of killing them. I learned all about this on The Sci-Fi Channel. Again. Homeschooled.
3. Marriage and Family Come Before the State and Deserve Its Protection
The marriage of one man and one woman is the natural foundation of all human society, except in P-Town, and the means by which children ought to be brought into the world and taught the basic values of our civilization. Government has a duty to recognize and protect the family and must not grant alternative relationships the same status and privileges. Back of the bus, homos!
4. Freedom of Conscience is the Soul of Liberty
Understanding that freedom of conscience is at the heart of liberty, the Framers protected freedom of religion and assembly in the 1st Amendment. Movements to force the Boy Scouts to accept homosexual scout masters, or to compel religious individuals or organizations to distribute birth control or abortion drugs against their beliefs, directly attack these freedoms. Gay men and sluts - f*ck em! They don't deserve any protections or freedoms. Can I get an "Amen"?
5. Private Property is the Servant of Freedom
The more that individuals, families and businesses can acquire and control the goods necessary to sustain and advance themselves, the more autonomy they will have from the state and others who may wish to unjustly restrict their freedom to bring weapons to work and pray in school. The free and responsible use of private property tends to create greater wealth and greater freedom for greater numbers of people. Learn more in my DVD series, "How to Become Mega-Rich: First, Take a Million Dollars..."
6. Government Dependency is the Seed of Tyranny
The more that individuals, families and businesses are dependent on the state for the goods necessary to sustain and advance themselves, the less autonomy they will have from the state and others who may wish to unjustly restrict their freedom. This is why expanding the welfare state is bad, and Social Security personal retirement accounts, Health Savings Accounts and school choice are good. When we say so, the opposite applies: Reproductive freedom - bad; Defense contractors - good. Freedom to marry for everyone - bad; laws allowing us to shoot first and ask questions later - good. We clear?
7. The Constitution Means What It Says
Believing in the God-given rights of man (like when a man desires a woman - it's a gift from God, but when a man desires a man - it's the result of bad tequila the night of conception) and understanding the imperfect nature of human beings, the Framers crafted a Constitution designed to protect the former from the latter. Many of the problems in U.S. government would be resolved if the President, Congress and Courts limited themselves and each other to the authority the Constitution actually grants them. Don't bother with law school - too elitist. Just go to church and ask Pastor Ted about boundaries. He has all the answers.
8. Taxes Are Justified Only to Fund Necessary Government Spending
A massive and complex tax code has become a powerful weapon politicians can use to pressure citizens to behave as the politicians, or the interest groups that support the politicians, wish. The correct function of taxation is to equitably collect only that revenue needed to fund the legitimate activities of a constitutionally limited government. Like war. And wiretaps. Oh, and war.
9. National Defense Is Just That
The first duty of the federal government is to defend the American people against foreign enemies and the media. While advancing freedom in the world is good in itself, if oil is involved —and, where it prudently can be done, like Iraq - we're kicking ass over there - would advance the interests of the United States--ultimately, the mandate for our national leaders is to use whatever moral means they can to carve out that path in our relations with foreign powers that is most likely to lead to enhanced security, prosperity and freedom for this nation. And we're all about moral means. Ask Iraqi civilians and the prisoners at Gitmo. Praise Jesus.
10. We Should Strive to Give Our Children a Better Country
America is more than just an expanse of territory or a set of laws. We also have Wal-Mart and the Lord. It is a culture, whose art, architecture, journalism, music, movies, television, schools and universities, should reflect and reinforce the traditional values that made this country great. So let's burn down Harvard. We owe this to our children, who will build the America of tomorrow on the foundation of the America we teach them to love today. Traditional values ruled our great country before sh*t like the 14th Amendment, Civil Rights Laws, and Roe v. Wade f*cked it up for the rest of us. We need to go back to the days when white men were in charge, poor women died and everybody else played along or were beaten to a bloody pulp. You know, the good old days.
I think this is a misprint. It is more like the ten commandments of right-wing Christian nut-jobs who think that everyone should be just like them.
True conservativism goes something like this:
Lower taxes
Lower spending
Less government
Less government interference in the lives of private citizens
Less government interference in the lives of private businesses
One might be able to toss in "A strong defense" too...
Either way, those are about the only things REAL conservatives stand for. There are, of course, a million things that flow from those. But those represent the core of what being a conservative is all about.
These other people who have labeled themselves "Conservative" or "Republican" are lying liars. A real GOP'er would never think it was his or her business to legislate against (or even "for" for that matter) gay marriage for instance.
Bastards took my party. I hate them for it.
(All of the following should be read with IMHO in mind)
Further, I think that politically, things are going to get much worse before they get better.
As more neocon whack-jobs gain power in the GOP the DEMs will counter by moving further left. Which will lead to escalating rhetoric at all levels of government. Which in turn will slow government "productivity" to nearly a halt as each and every issue must be debated ad nausea on the floor of various legislative bodies, in the media, and on the Net. Eventually both parties will have internal schisms over "core" issues where various factions will accuse the other(s) of not being "conservative" or "progressive" enough (and vice versa). Which (hopefully presuming it reaches this point) will cause both parties to fracture.
And that event should, we can only hope, lead us to an n-party system where n > 2. Thus giving the great people of this great nation real choices at the polls.
That was a good read first thing after breakfast......It's good to see you keeping yourself occupied while hell freezes over outside your door up there.
RE: " Life Is the First God-Given Right"
Some prolifers are more consistent than others. I beiieve that the 600,000 innocent lives lost in Iraq are equally important in the eyes of God. Republican leaders were not very concerned with the lives of poor black citizens during Katrina. 10 of my neighbors were killed in one year and our right wing mayor cut back our police protection.
"It’s always wrong to deliberately take an innocent human life. When this principle is abridged, violence escalates. Thus we have aborted 47 million unborn babies in the past three decades..."
Most of that time we were governed by Republicans. They talked a lot and used the abortion issue to win elections. Abortions were reduced during the Clinton years. I think that helping low income mothers with child care, health insurance, job training and housing reduced the pressure on them to abort their children. The minimun wage and tax credits for low income families were increased. And access to birth control was increased.
We "... stand at the threshold of cloning human beings for the specific purpose of killing them."
Korean researchers are cloning dogs. Their technology can be used to clone people. It may be a just few years away.
Happy Chanukah!
Most prolifers couldn't care less about unwanted, unhealhty, and suffering children. They are about taking rights away from women. End of story.
Barney Frank said it best: The pro-life movement begins at conception and ends at birth.
Since arriving in Iowa for the holidays I've discovered that my dad doesn't believe in Global Warming. You can't trust that the # of displaced peeps from Katrina are as high as we are led to believe, as there are conflictings #'s being reported. Obviously they are inflating them, just as the news media infates the # of attacks in Iraq on a daily basis. (Oh wait, the ISG discounted that) All poor people are welfare whores. I'm wasting my time working in politics (neither actually said that, but that was the jist of it). Until the end of the conversation (& 2 bottles of red later) "It's not that I don't think your opinion or point matters. I just don't have all the facts to back up what I'm saying - I can't source them like you b/c I'm old & my memory has gone. But, I know I formed my opinion after I read what I read, even though I no longer know how I came about forming it." My favorite part is that most of these "opinions" are based on what was witnessed either 20 yrs ago or by my dad who works p/t in a delinquent filled "last chance" school. Great segment of the population to generalize all poor & black people. Who are obviously Democrats.
Thanks for the vent. And greetings from the Heartland. "Where we aren't afraid to say Merry Christmas."
It's times like these that I miss my dad. That's what the holidays are all about, right? Getting tanked with relatives and talking sh*t and alienating family members and then making up before going your separate ways.
Praise Jesus.
LOL Amen sister. ;)
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