Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rock this Joint in the Old School Way

From an email I received.

I don't normally look back with rose-colored glasses. With the exception of our dying planet, conditions tend to *improve* with time. However, these entries make a point about our school system and the way we sometimes make mountains out of molehills.

Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack.
1973: Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to his car and gets his gun to show Jack.
2006: School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail. Never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1973: Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.
2006: Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charged with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.
1973: Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by Principal. Sits still in class.
2006: Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Billy breaks a window in his fathers car and gets a whipping.
1973: Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, becomes a successful businessman.
2006: Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's Mom has affair with psychologist.

Mark gets a headache and takes some medicine to school.
1973: Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking dock.
2006: Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.

Johnny falls during recess and teacher, Mary, hugs him to comfort him.
1973: In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2006: Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. Faces 3 years in State Prison.


At 12/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Georgie pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack.
Georgie and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
Georgie won't be still in class, disrupts other students.
Georgie breaks a window in his fathers car and gets a whipping. (You see where this is going)
Georgie gets a headache and takes some medicine to school.
Georgie falls during recess and teacher, Mary, hugs him to comfort him.

Georgie becomes President

At 12/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true Katie! Look what this world is becoming that we have to live in. The harder task is raising our own children in this world and preparing them for the new world.

At 1/05/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark this as of your more clever pieces.


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