Thursday, December 14, 2006

You Reap What You Sow

Big changes in store for high schools in this area. Changes that will negatively affect all of us. My opinion is forthcoming.

Screwed, I tell ya. Screwed.


At 12/14/2006, Blogger Addison said...

I love the "$28 million we can put into a salary package"...but what he left out was who the salary package was for.

At 12/14/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard about this from my mom. She's less than thrilled.

Also not happy that they're now letting anyone into AP classes now.

At 12/16/2006, Blogger luckylucas said...

I was educated in a state that consistently ranks in the top 10 in education nationally. In the many schools I attended (moved around a lot!) we started class anywhere from 8:10 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. & got out anywhere from 3:10 - 3:30 p.m. We had either 7 or 8 periods a day that allowed plenty of time to get the basics in, as well as electives like band, choir, drama, speech, art, shop, & physical education. Actually, P.E. was REQUIRED, other than at one school where you could skip it if you participated in sports.

I'm curious as to when art, music & physical education will be taught with only 4 class periods in a school day... I wonder if there is any correlation to Florida consistently ranking near the bottom in education? Just a thought...

At 12/18/2006, Blogger JB said...

The school system can never seem to just pick something and stick with it, can they? I graduated from King IB in '99, and we went through the opposite switch during my junior year. IB had their own block scheduling thing going on, so the only thing this did for me was eliminate the jazz band class, an elective I actually enjoyed. It just seems unfair to spring something like this on students who have planned out their schedules ahead of time so that they can fit in all of the classes they want to take with all the classes they have to take before graduation.


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