Friday, January 26, 2007

A Clinton Cosmopolitan, Please

Drinking Liberally needs your favorite drink recipes by Feb. 9th.

The Des Moines chapter of Drinking Liberally is compiling a bartender's guide of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to sell as a fundraiser for the 2007 Drinking Liberally National Conference (DLNC), scheduled for September 14-16 in Des Moines, Iowa."Liberal Mixology" will feature new drinks created by Drinking Liberally members from around the country, as well as public domain recipes with a progressive flair.

The book will contain the following eight categories:
1. Non-Alcoholic Drinks
2. Cocktails / Martinis
3. Shots / Shooters
4. Mixed Drinks
5. Punch / Party Drinks
6. Hot Drinks
7. Frozen Drinks
8. Homebrewed Drinks

We'd also like any progressive twists on standard recipes: Turn an "Alabama Slammer" into an "Abramoff Pokey" or a "Boilermaker" into a "Global Warmer."

Please email your handcrafted recipes and include your first name and chapter affiliation by February 9th.


At 1/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloody Condi?

At 1/27/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd drink that.


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