Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's So On

All kinds of people up in arms about Dubya's State of the Union. Especially people itching to take his job.

Tom Vilsack: "Despite the change of power in Congress and a public appetite for dramatic change, there was simply nothing new offered last night -- and a sincere opportunity lost.

Immigration reform, our growing healthcare crisis, unprecedented levels of income inequality, energy costs and shortages, and the environment -- the list of urgent issues we face here at home goes on and on. He even completed his speech without mentioning the single greatest domestic failure of his Administration –- the federal government’s inept response to Hurricane Katrina.

After six years of talk, still no action and no progress."

John Edwards: "(We've) got a full page ad in today's edition of the D.C. newspaper Roll Call showing Congress that -- despite what Bush says -- their constituents know they have the power to stop the proposed escalation in Iraq, and we expect them to do so. Click here to see the ad you made possible."

Democracy for America has been asking for feedback, input and advice as they put together a plan to end the war and retake the White House. You can review the DFA agenda here.

And finally, because freedom can't defend itself, the ACLU has a menu of items to rant and rave about in the pages of your local paper.

The time is now. Or tomorrow. Completely up to you.


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