Thursday, January 25, 2007

Justice and Fair Treatment for All

I started this blog because I wanted to contribute a verse. Sometimes I whine and moan, other times attack. Once in a while, I make you laugh.

Being inherently solution-based, I'd also like to encourage change through social action. You know. Like do something rather than just complain.

For example, I can't think of a reason not to condemn holocaust denial. Such idiots offend me as a Jewish woman and as a teacher as well. Condemning them is quick, painless, and can be done while eating lunch.

Happy lunchtime condemning, peeps!


At 1/25/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OR over tea !


At 1/25/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did it!

At 1/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done !!


Revisionist history is UN-acceptable.

I have been in many history classes and observed the sometimes unhealthy slants of those who teach. One left the gold rush out completely in his zeal to teach that slavery defined america. I guess he forgot that we needed to work our way out west, too. Others taught by how America picked up land (honestly or otherwise) Others taught by how the wars effected us.
My point: Just tell the truth.

If it happened: tell it straight or tell it slant but tell it.


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