Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday Monday

A joke to start the week:

Much has been published about the sexual preferences and behaviors of former
Presidents such as Bill Clinton and even Abraham Lincoln. However, little
has been reported on the sexual practices of the current Commander-in-Chief.

It has recently been learned that the President and Mrs. Bush only make
love with Mrs. Bush on top since George Bush can only F*CK UP.
h/t Mother-in-Law


At 1/29/2007, Blogger cheswickthecat said...

bwahahaha! thanks for making my monday morning...that was hilarious!

At 1/29/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm stealing this and sending it everywhere ....................


At 1/30/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I first heard that one about Reagan back in the 80s. Oh, you didn't know about the tryst between him and Laura Bush?


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