Thursday, January 25, 2007

Never Before...

The Humane Society is reporting good news for pigs and pig eaters:

Smithfield Foods, Inc., the nation's largest pork producer with 1.2 million breeding sows, announced today it will phase out the confinement of pigs in gestation crates over the next decade.

To learn more about this remarkable news for these intelligent, social farm animals, click here. Thank you for all you do for animals every day--please consider this your victory as well.

To those who dig on swine - may you devour your sausages with just a little less guilt.

Ten years from now, I mean. Why ten years to start practicing more humane farming? Oh well, better than nothing I suppose.


At 1/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who says pigs were put here for your consumption? Perhaps they are meant to live and inspire great books (Charlotte's Web) or movies (Babe)?

Pig eater...

At 1/28/2007, Blogger Jim Johnson said...

Here's something funny:

A number of groups fought to get an amendment to the Florida Constitution that would ban gestation crates in Florida because they were cruel.

When it passed, the only two pig farms in the state closed operations and...

wait for it ...

killed all the pigs!

-- oh, and I'm having bacon this morning as I type this comment. YUM!

At 1/28/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. Well. Your arteries will thank you later. What's tastier than that?

And I'd rather those farms close and current crop of pigs die without any more suffering than for those pig farms to continue cruel practices that harm our environment and conservative painintheasses.

Really. Your arteries will thank *me* later.


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