Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No Escalation

Last Saturday, hundreds of thousands of Americans marched on Washington to stop the escalation and end the war. Now, MoveOn.org is launching a national effort that everyone can join from home—yes, even you, sitting on the couch - bringing our message directly to Congress through a massive Virtual March on Washington.

On Thursday, February 1st—just days before the Senate votes on the escalation—we're going to let them know where their constituents stand by flooding their offices with 1 million messages.

Can you join us by signing up for a time to call your senators?

Click here to sign up for a "shift"—a time-slot when you'll call (we're trying to spread out the calls over the course of the day). All you need to do to participate is schedule a time to call your senators and urge them to block escalation.

Please join us.


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