Take Our House. Please.
According to a certain superstar realtor we are bound to hire this weekend, we need to lower our price and paint over every beautifully colored room...
... with the same horrible neutral shade of pale. Which should we pick - Pasty like Katie or WASPy White?
At any rate, I'll call Merlin again. Watching him work his magic might cushion the blow. (Heh. I said blow.) Downside: It'll cost us. Upside: Dad and Uncle Jimmy are laughing their asses off because they knew those "g*ddamned colors wouldn't sell."
lol been there...
Don't paint it. It gives the house character. That's why Robert and I bought ours. If they want it painted, tell the buyers you will give them the money for a painter. Our realtor gave us the gift of painting our dining room....
Don't feel too bad. My wife is a realtor and every room in our house is anything but white. She kept saying every time we finished painting a room she would just look around and say, "going to need a whole lot of white when we sell this place..." Thank goodness we don't plan on going anywhere soon.
Be prepared as well for the new agent to tell you to put about half your furniture and belongings in storage till you sell. An empty house looks like a big house and then the new owners do not have prefitted notions about what to do with the rooms.
I wouldn't paint it, either. Ask more and let them bargain you down. hehe.
If our house hadn't been on the market for the past nine months with less than a dozen showings, perhaps we'd wait and see. However, we gotta plow. No choice at this point.
As someone who has lived in apartments her entire adult life, I vote to paint. Definitely. The chances of a potential buyer liking those exact same colors -- plus having furnishings to match -- seem pretty slim.
If I were shopping for a house, seeing each room a different color would be a huge turnoff for me, plus probably give me a headache. But that's just me.
If you paint it and sell immediately, this comment should be considered professional advice and you'll owe me a commission. :)
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