Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another Big Fat Liar

U.S. Rep Mark Udall, from Colorado, co-sponsored legislation to ban lawmakers from paying family members a salary out of campaign funds.

Seems like another no-brainer, but wait a minute...

Former Republican Rep Scott McInnis was investigated a few years ago for paying his wife more than $3,000 a month from his campaign fund after he announced he was retiring. McInnis responded to Udall's legislation by falsely claiming that Udall's wife is a lobbyist.

Udall should be all, "I know you are, but what am I?"

Currently, McInnis lobbies for EnCana, a foreign oil and gas company that holds the record in Colorado for one of the largest environmental fines ever. Seems they were responsible for a gas leak that contaminated local water.

ProgressNow reports that McInnis is quickly earning the nickname McLobbyist for selling out millions and millions of Coloradans in favor of big industry.

They need your help. Click here to visit the new website and sign a petition calling on McInnis to apologize.


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