I Am Open to Suggestions
Two weeks from tomorrow, two procedures will restore my body to its former glory.
I know. Can hardly wait.
Recovery takes about ten days so I'm wondering which movies and books might help me heal.
The Big Lebowski and Casablanca are good for any situation. Perhaps Shut Up and Sing?
Real Boys and I Feel Bad About My Neck are already on my night table.
Must. Find. The Secret.
What else?
A Life Less Ordinary, any movie by Danny Boyle except The Beach. Apartment w/Jack Lemmon and Shirley Mcclain. Amelie is sweet too.
As far as books, I highly recommend Wicked by Gregory Maguire and it's probably been awhile, The Phantom Tollbooth by Norman Juster.
Just my two cents.
Little Miss Sunshine if you haven't seen it yet. It warms the soul. Five People You Meet In Heaven, the book, I wasn't terribly fond of the movie. I listened to the book on cd on a cross-country drive.
The last two books I read were "Saving Graces" by Elizabeth Edwards (I recommend every mother to read it) & "How to Win in 2008" by Mark Halperin & John Harris. Halperin is the political director for ABC & Harris is at the W Post. You will find it VERY interesting.
Happy recovery! :)
forget reading and write something
The Blind Side by Michael Lewis. It's supposedly about the rise of the left tackle in pro football, but it's also about education, racism, politics, and free markets.
Check out imdb and do a Forest Whitaker film fest (he's a vegetarian).
Perhaps not light enough for recovery, but a must read for teachers. Lisa Delpit's Other People's Children (published in 1996 but still worthy of being in every educator's library).
Barry Lyndon, Kubrick's most beautiful film. Stanley Kubrick =Super Genious. He managed to get the fastest lens in the world from NASA to shoot indoor scenes in period correct candlelight.
Sexy Beast, Kingsley! you'll never look at Gandhi the same.
Memento, for the mind f_ck. And, for that matter, Donnie Darko.
Read Oracle Night or anything by Paul Auster. He also did the screenplays for Smoke and Blue in the Face.
Good Luck!
I know this is very low brow, but "It's a Mad Mad Mad World" always makes me laugh. Maybe Tim Dorsey's latest book "Hurricane Punch"?
Having spent 13 1/2 weeks laid up last summer after having my abdomen ripped open twice - I would start by reviewing the condition your body is going to be in after surgery. I know your "girls" are getting a fix but not sure of anything else. If you are getting a tummy tuck too (I think you mentioned that) you may not be up to laughing very much as it physically hurts. (And before you say it - I know - you are as tough as nails. I am too!) As I have never had any type of surgery on my breasts - I wonder if you will be having some muscle pain in the chest area which would also make you not want to laugh. I really don't know. Crying can also be painful so I wouldn't go for any tear jerkers either. You don't strike me as the tear jerker type though but I could be wrong. I played on my computer mostly! But I had cancer research to do so I was motivated! Whatever you decide ~ I wish you the best! Please let us know how you are as soon as you can! Your loving fans are cheering for you! : )
Try the movie 'Pi' by Darren Aronofsky. It is in my top ten list.
Thanks everyone.
Hopefully I won't be bored.
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