Wednesday, February 14, 2007

If a teacher complains in the faculty lounge, does anyone hear it?

More thoughts on last night's school board meeting:

- Olson and Valdes seem to be open-minded thinkers genuinely interested in hearing from teachers. Perhaps one of them should be superintendent.

- Teachers would benefit from coherent and sane representatives. Shouting at school board members from the audience does nothing to make us look legitimate.

- Speakers should keep their comments to under a minute. Otherwise they go over time alotted, appear to be rambling, and start to sound like...a board member.

- Dr. Lamb, spend less time admiring and talking about your new electronic voting system and more time admiring and talking *with* your teachers. And put down that g*ddamn gavel.

- Every school in the district should send a rep to listen in on these meetings and report back to the faculty. How many board members have been in the classroom lately? Yet they lecture and condescend and make decisions that affect every teacher in the district. Too few educators care enough to listen. The school board affects our lives, every single day, yet I bet most teachers know more about the cast of Desperate Housewives.

Put down the snacks, turn off the television, get up off your ass and do something about your lot in life.

Or don't.

Completely up to you.


At 2/15/2007, Blogger Edward said...

The school board is an incredibly powerful elected body in this part of the country that few people care about and few people take the time to influence.


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