Odds 'n Ends
I work with a woman who is making copies of my website and passing it out around school because she is offended by me.
Should I send her a thank-you note?
My children are recovering from quite a cold. The other day I wouldn't let them play outside ("We need to rest inside and heal, okay?") and my oldest ranted for 45 minutes.
Oh, the injustice of being a seven year-old.
At first, I looked him in the eye and made sure he knew he was being heard. He's a lot like his Mommy. I nodded and told him I understood he thought he was fine and good enough to play out back. However, I stood my ground and said no. Kid used every trick in the book:
- "If you don't let me out, I'll scream."
- "Look at the other kids playing outside. They're happy. I want to be happy. I want a Mommy that wants me to be happy."
- "Fine. Don't let me go. I'm not going to read any more of your articles in the paper. We'll see how you like that."
This last one he mumbled more to himself and I just melted. Kid's got heart and doesn't relent. I scooped him up, we shared a rocking chair moment, and then it was bedtime. He hugged me and said, "I really do love you. Even though you don't do what I want sometimes."
If only my meddling co-worker felt the same way.
I think you already did send her a thank you note.
Is it any wonder that the FIRST amendment to the Constitution propounds free speech? I thank you lord for bringing James Madison into the world. Mr. Madison had the foresight and the tenacity to ultimately see to it that our unalienable rights were protected. He knew that each individual is an island and as such “knows” what is best for our world. It is good we are head-strong in this way; ultimately it is why we, as human beings, are for the most part good people. We do not have to stretch our imaginations much to realize the barbarities possible had God not wired us this way.
If you are like me you probably would prefer that she carry around your Blog for good reasons and not to demonstrate its evilness. No matter how thick-skin we pretend to be, inside we all want acceptance.
Stand firm in the realization that many commentators on “Out in Left Field” are supportive, which even includes many of the ones who disagree with you. By putting up with vitriolic criticism and pressing on, you defend the very principles that allow the offending colleague freedom to express opinion without repercussions. Let us hope that, ultimately, the same courtesy is afforded you.
Any power broker out there who might feel the urge to wield some of that power and harass the courageous author of “Out in Left Field,” let me suggest that you do not. Some of us hold dear First Amendment freedoms and will not suffer trampling those freedoms lightly. Your power is granted by those you serve and is maintained only as long as we the people say so.
Press on brave writer. Write your words, which hurt no one. And go on and write your words that hurt some, because we all were giving the cogent advice that sustains us when others are cruel: “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
I enjoy your site even though there are parts with which I disagree. I wondered if your honesty could make trouble for you. (Not to mention the before-and-after breast shots should they appear.) Even though the First Amendment commands that Congress shall pass no law (etc., etc.)... It doesn't mean that your employer can't punish you for private musings that it might feel publicallly reflect negatively on it. You might have seen the site dooce.com, a very entertaining blog whose discovery by its author's employer got her fired. I suspect that if a Ronda Storms or someone of like mind stumbled across your blog that it would be a tempting target.
John, you are correct if you work for a private employer. However, if you are fortunate enough to work for a governmental entity you have more protection. You see, the Bill of Rights directly limits what the government can do to you as an individual. As yet, Jeb and George W. have not succeeded at privatizing the entire government—though it is not for lack of trying. Many of the wealthy and powerful would like nothing better than to privatize every aspect of the government.
Now that they have theirs they would just as soon shut down all of that messy individual freedoms stuff. As Thomas Jefferson once intimated, if we are not careful it will happen. Slowly and methodically private enterprise is taking over what belongs to “we the people.” Luckily, public service endeavors do not do very well in the private sector, e.g. privately run prisons and school vouchers. Public service has different priorities than that of private business, and when one gets right down to it profit as a driving force does not work very well in public service.
Additionally, being an educator allows for a bit more latitude when it comes to things like academic freedom and freedom of speech. Even though we do not always give teachers the respect they deserve on a personal level, we still hold firm to the notion that academic freedom benefits everyone. Once that ideal starts eroding away we will know we are in big trouble.
John's point about someone stumbling on your site and making you a target has come to my mind before. There is nothing more satisfying to the far right/left than a witch hunt when someone from the opposite political spectrum has a very public position directly under there sphere of power.
That's not saying tuck tail and run, but that is saying there are some people in this world that can't do anything more than meddle in others private lives (or public lives).
This is just getting creepy now.
Doesn't she know "any publicity is good publicity!"
I recommend you copyright your blog, then sue her for copyright violations. Fair use is in the eye of the beholder.
Or, just threaten to sue her for defamation, or libel, or emotional distress, etc., etc.
Threatening to sue can be fun, and profitable.
Xanthippas, I love it. I love you.
So, in other words, I have options.
Threatening to sue... good times.
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