Thursday, February 08, 2007

Save Our Sesame

From my peeps at

This week, Bush proposed a new budget with devastating cuts to public
broadcasting. "Sesame Street" and other ad-free kids' shows are under the knife.
So is the independent journalism our country needs.

Enough is enough.

We've fought this fight before and won—but we can't afford the risk
anymore. With the new Congress, we can make sure this never happens again. We
need Congress to insulate NPR and PBS from the political winds.

We can make it happen if enough of us sign this petition: "Congress
must save NPR and PBS once and for all. Congress should guarantee permanent
funding and independence from partisan meddling."


At 2/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, I'd be more worried if the previous attempts at cutting funding for NPR or PBS actually succeeded. Which they didn't (or at the very least had little impact).

Second, ANYTHING funded by our tax dollars should be up for review all the time. In my opinion at least.

Unfortunately, MoveOn is part of the partisan problem. They, along with the rest of these 527's are the problem, not the solution.

At 2/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NPR and PBS are no longer needed. Let the free market reign. If these stations can make a profit getting advertisers without government help, then they should stay in business. If they cannot stay alive without the government, they should fold.

The government should not be in the business of funding radio and TV stations. If Game Show television network can make a profit, then PBS can.

At 2/09/2007, Blogger luckylucas said...

If we let shows like these go in the 'free market' then our children will end up being inundated with more commercials pushing nutritionally poor products. They can get those on the cartoon network & game show TV stations... It's nice to have ONE outlet that is commercial free.

At 2/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NPR and PBS are liberal left wing media outlets not independent at all.


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