Monday, February 26, 2007

Teachers Do

Friend of mine invited a co-worker to happy hour. Big mistake.

"No thank you. It's deplorable that teachers attend happy hour right down the street from their school," she said in her non-acceptance speech. "I don't even order a glass of wine with dinner unless I'm in Pasco County or something. Far enough away where I won't run into any of my students."

I know. Pasco County restaurants serve wine?

This particular teacher's list of no-no's doesn't just include an occasional adult beverage. She believes most modern educators are immoral and longs for the days when teachers were kept under virtual house arrest each evening after their tea and mandatory Bible reading.

I happen to believe she is horribly misguided.

Teachers shouldn't have to hide themselves away as if everyday experiences are shameful events. We are human beings and entitled to full and complete lives. Obviously - drug buys on campus shouldn't be tolerated. Yet teachers who live in self-imposed exile take their jobs way too seriously. And, as a result, aren't nearly as effective.

That's right. We aren't doing our jobs if we're not out there mucking it up. The more non-traditional, the more broad our world view and then everyone wins.

Fellow teachers - drink alcohol, write steamy novels, protest nuclear power plants, frequent nudist resorts, attend passion parties, perform in rock bands, and bring an arsenal of experiences from which to draw when dealing with a diverse and ever complicated student population.

Good teachers do this already. And our students are all the better for it.


At 2/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pasco County has restaurants?

I tussle with how teachers should be portrayed or what example, if any, should they set. I suppose as long as one teacher does not impose morality on another, one should think and do what is best personally. I’m too idealistic and this topic hits much too close to home for me to offer a rational opinion.

My explanation can be found “here.

At 2/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it can be found here:

At 2/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy are you a masochist!!!

At 2/27/2007, Blogger luckylucas said...

"I don't even order a glass of wine with dinner unless I'm in Pasco County or something. Far enough away where I won't run into any of my students."


At 2/27/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can get wine in Pasco County. 'Course it only comes in red, so as not to clash with the necks, and is poured from only the finest of boxes. If your lucky your host will serve it in a pint mason jar but you're just as likely to get it in a somewhat clean plastic solo cup. A red solo cup of course. (See neck issue above.)

Sign me:
"Lost and Confused Liberal Heathen trapped in Pasco"

At 2/27/2007, Blogger Dave said...

Have you seen this article from New York magazine?

It argues that a new generation gap is occurring over ideas of privacy and transparency. Older folks think that there are some things that should just be kept private. Younger folks are used to sharing large portions of their life online.

At 3/02/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some things are private and some things should remain private. Just use some common sense and dignity.


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