All This For a Girl Who Doesn't Take Tylenol?
Some last minute thoughts and observations before my cosmetic enhancement.
-- I've been taking steroids in an effort to pump up my platelets. Works like a charm. Now over 90, they will probably climb into the hundreds by Monday morning. Added bonus: I could kick your ass.
I really could.
-- Argued again with Dr. Berger's Dream Team about having to take anti-anxiety pills before heading to the hospital.
If I didn't need meds when writing out the check...
Apparently, meds mean less anesthesia and an easier recovery after surgery. Still. I'll be wasted before the sun comes up so remember to ignore my calls.
-- When my nurse told me I could only shave the morning of surgery and not the night before, I just said, "Okay."
Doesn't make a damn bit of sense, but by that time I was worn out from pre-op instructions. Plus I had posed for the dreaded "before" pictures in a well-lit room. In other words, I had lost the will to argue or question. Intense information overload and embarrassing nakedness will do that to a person.
-- Heading out tonight for another nip/tuck party. Liquid diet begins at midnight so tequila for all my friends! If you see me stumbling around town, be kind. And ignore my calls.
-- Here is an assortment of goodies to prepare me for surgery and alleviate discomfort afterwards.
I come from good Irish stock so the focus on healthy bowel movements is nothing new.
-- Surgery is scheduled for Monday morning at 7:15am. Will be released and home Tuesday if all goes well.
-- All *will* go well. Cause I know people who know people who know Jesus. So I'll be fine. In more ways than one.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
look at this now before laughing is painful. A love story in 4 pics
Bush and Condi
Do we get to see the before and after pictures??
I look forward to your return and some interesting insights into your Monday.
Oy. Where've i been?
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