Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Beautiful Smile

Elizabeth Edwards has always been impressive. Whether we're talking about her down-to-earth attitude, resolve toward building a better country or her sympathy for others in need.

I like her. She's a good and decent person. Much like her husband.

And so she remains in our prayers as admiration for her and her family only grows. Oh, and she'll be on 60 Minutes tonight.


At 3/25/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I respond to most about this decision is the courage, openness and positive outlook they are displaying. Even up to this day, some consider a cancer diagnosis a shame, something to hide, and little more than a painful, agonizing death sentence.

By being open and realistic about her diagnosis, Elizabeth is providing a highly visible example of why these things aren't true and why, even in the face of potentially devastating outcomes, one can't lose sight of one's life goals and just give in. I know it's cliche and a bit trite, but it's important to remember, "She has cancer, cancer doesn't have her."


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