Monday, March 26, 2007

Don't Believe the Hype

First PMS and now PMDD.

Nonsense either way.

Ladies, let's get something clear. Menstruation is natural. Every 28 days or so, our bodies clean themselves out. This perfectly normal occurrence does not cause us to b*tch at husbands or miss work or complain or seek medication and/or sedation.

Men created this crap to deny women equal rights and somewhere along the way women bought into the nonsense. Doesn't make it legitimate.

Don't believe me? How can we be equal to men, who are hormonally fine every day of the month, if we need pharmaceutical intervention every few weeks because of a period?

Find another excuse, chickies.

Cramps? Put down the remote, get off your slowly spreading ass, and walk around the block a few times. Exercise those bad boys right out of your body. Feel bloated and nasty? Put down the processed food and try some yogurt with flax seed. Ignore chocolate ice cream for a few days and eat granola bars instead. Ever hear of a vitamin? Food is medicine you put in your body every day. Make a good f*cking choice for a change.

Yes, eat right and exercise. This doesn't cause side effects like dry mouth, nausea, and anal fissures. Just lighter periods and a better disposition.

Or you can continue to be uncomfortable and b*tchy. Just blame yourself. Not menstruation.



At 3/26/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

Well, of course my first question was to ask ...
"are you on the r**?"

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I am sure you know that I am kidding.

Hope you are feeling well.

Good post.

At 3/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always maintained that a good hormone rush just strips away the veneer of compliance and other sissy stuff society forces on women. If I say something that pisses you off while I'm "pre-menstrual" I mean it. It's the nice stuff the rest of the time you need to worry about.

At 3/26/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now ladies if I may, perhaps I can shed some light on this here premenstrual thing. Simmer down for just a minute and let me explain what the deal is. You women get all uppity and before we know it you’re joining the Army and putting the real estate in you name. Let’s all take a deep breath and try to look at this rationally, okay. Do you think you can do that, be rational for a few minutes while I tell you how this all came about? It’s not so complicated if we take it a step at a time. It goes something like this.

Way back, a long time ago, there was this beautiful garden and a fellow by the name of Atom who took great care of it. (He was of Hebrew decent, hence the weird name.) Atom worked from sun up to sun down tending the garden, that’s why it was so beautiful. He tilled the soil, planted the seeds, and cared for every seedling until each and everyone was strong enough to handle what Mother Earth would sometimes inflict upon them. Mother Earth could be a bitch about every once a month and that is about the time she’d deliver her wrath. It was a time when all the creatures in the garden would stay out Mother Earth’s way. Actually, they’d all run and hide.

Well, Mother Earth and God, they were tight you know and so God had to put up the wrath thing about every once a month. One day God is looking down on Atom happily working in the beautiful garden and He gets to thinking. “How come Atom doesn’t have anyone that he has to put up with about every once a month," is what he asked himself. “Something is not quite right with this picture,” he kept thinking.

Then an idea struck God like a bolt of lightening out of the sky: Atom needs his very own “mother” nature person. That way Atom wouldn’t feel lonely when every once a month all the creatures of the beautiful garden would run and hide from the wrathful Mother Earth.

So, God created Summer Eve from one of Atom’s ribs that was an extra from when God created Atom. Well, Atom thought it was cool to have someone to boss around, all except about every once a month. That is when Atom would go hide with all the other creatures of the beautiful garden. From that day on Atom was never lonely again. You see, he had all the little creatures to keep him company in the beautiful garden for about three weeks of the month. Then, during that week about every once a month, they would all run and hide happily every after together.

At 3/27/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh girl! You look like Nancy.

At 3/27/2007, Blogger kate said...

That ain't cool.

At 3/27/2007, Blogger Danny said...

Did you know a woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have in her life? You never create new ones!

I didn't know that until I went to the Bodies exhibit...

At 3/27/2007, Blogger Alexander Wolfe said...

As a man, I dare not comment on this. However, I will say...nice pic.

At 3/30/2007, Blogger L said...

I wouldn't dismiss that old stereotype if I were you. It's quite obvious that PMS is the reason that so many women get into barroom brawls, start wars.... oh, wait....

At 3/30/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Know what cures everything?


Sucks to be you.

At 4/04/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

stinks of truthiness


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