Yesterday, my boys went to a baseball game (spring training and all) so Dad took me to my first post-op appointment with a name tag: No, I'm Not Her "Sugar" Daddy.
I know. A riot. He sat in the waiting room and guessed each person's procedure until I was finally called back.
Medical Assistant Extraordinaire unwrapped my top as I mumbled, "She's alive. Alive!" Kept my eyes on the ceiling because I didn't want to see a bruised and battered boobie and cry. Then she told me to take a deep breath and count to ten while pulling what felt like ten yards of tubing from my abdomen.
Hurt. Just a bit.
Took a few sutures out and then Berger King came in for a look-see.
"Perfect!" he exclaimed.
"If you do say so yourself," I said.
Then I looked down.
Oh. The. Horror.
I looked like one of those Uganda victims from the 70s except my legs and arms weren't sewn on backwards. Sutures. Bruises. Dried blood.
But my breasts were perky. Nice and small and perky. I just stared. I could see past how disgusting they looked and actually see the floor. Perfect!
"Now eventually, you know, gravity will take hold," Dr. Berger said. "We didn't do implants so..."
"I know," I said.
Still. They're great. And my tummy is a bit numb and swollen but flat.
A few days ago, I suffered from serious buyer's remorse. Now, I felt much better. Not a hundred percent. Not ready for prime time. But better.
Berger told me how to treat the dressing and care for my bruises over the next four weeks.
"No bras, no girdles," he said.
I haven't been out without a bra since the late 1980s (eyesuphereboys) so that's gonna take some getting used to.
Cannot wait.
Well, you're screwed now...every man who reads your blog will be talking to your chest for the nexr month...tell me what that's like, BTW! ;-)
"ten yards of tubing"
God have mercy.
Nice smile!
Numbness is pretty common whenever there are incisions. Make sure to ask "the king" what length of time is considered normal for the feeling to return. With my surgeries, I was told up to 18 months. After about 6 months, I regained full feeling in my abdomen again - and literally over night! One day gone - next day back and all the way! Your doing just fine! Keep on truckin' sister!
Whoa- I sure hope it was worth it- sounds like it was scary to see it. Yikes.
So what's political about this?
Does you husband get it or is he just a pushover?
Do i get what you fucking assbag? Quit hiding behind your anonymity.
Oh and by the way, I am a pushover. So's your daughter. I've got the suckstains to prove it.
So glad you are feeling better. In a few weeks you will be back to normal and feeling great!.
Marc, dude...
Out in Left Field
Where parenting and politics meet, but don't always play nice.
Politics is the process by which groups make decisions.
A motion was made that you are a f*ck*ng as*bag. I second the motion. There, it’s political now.
Do you get it or are you just a tushbag?
Goader - That was funny! I third it just in case there is a recount! And way to go Marc D!
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