Saturday, March 03, 2007

Gay on the Brain

Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a "faggot."

This isn't the first time she's suggested a Democratic candidate is gay - I seem to remember her going after Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton for the sin of homosexuality.

Annie might be covering up something deep within herself. Or not so deep. Either way, she should remember - when you point the finger at someone else there are three more pointing right back at you.

And Mitt Romney ought to be ashamed.


At 3/03/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to hand it to the right wing, since they control most of the mainstream media, they get away with just about anything. Can you imagine if a left-winger had said what Ann Coulter did?

Actually, one of the endearing qualities of right wing wackos is their cojones. They have big balls, and Ann’s are the biggest!

The other party uses name-calling as a strategy. The simpletons that fall in line feel better when someone labels the opponent for them. That way they don’t have to tax their brains and think for themselves.

Case in point: In the threads on the various topics presented by the host (hi Kate) one sees a pattern. Those commenters coming from the right use name-calling quite regularly. Why is that? Does it make them feel superior? It’s helpful to me since I can quickly identify who is coming from where.

At 3/03/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Edwards posted this on her blog:

Although her words did not hurt us, they may have hurt some in the gay community. We are all sick and tired of anyone supporting or applauding or introducing hate words into the national dialogue, tired of people thinking that words that cause others pain are fair game. And we are sick and tired of people like Miss Coulter thinking that her use of loaded words about the homosexual community in this country is remotely humorous or appropriate.

What class.

At 3/05/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

goader, wow, i dont know what to say to that. The right wing uses name calling, but the left doesnt? The right wing controls most of the MSM? Man, what world do you live in, it is certainly not earth.

Im not saying right wingers dont use personal attacks, and they may more now that the democrats took the house and senate, but i cannot tell you the amount of vicious personal attacks that are said to me simply b/c I am a conservative blogger. Not to mention the liberal columnists and liberal talk show hosts, krugman and mahr for 2 examples. Remember, Mahr on his show said he was hoping that Cheney died.... thats pretty extreme, and getting little coverage.

Kate, the only thing i was going to say on this thread before i read goaders ridiculous comments, is that i wouldnt say shame on Romney. He shook her hand before she said that... That conservative group is (rightly) not allowing her attendance anymore at their events, and I would assume that Romney, as a pro-civil union republican, did not appreciate her comments.

Now coincidently, you may say he should not acknowledge her at all, well that is hard to do, and when she pulls her damn foot out of her mouth, she is extremely smart. I dunno why she has to use such personal attacks on her political opponents, but she does, but this is probably the worst one.

At 3/05/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bad, what was I thinking? I did not look closely enough at who owns the vast majority of mainstream media, which are Disney, Time Warner, News Corp., GE, Viacom and CBS. Duh, I’m a goof to think these companies would support big business issues, which are the Republicans’ forte.

Oh, I wish I could think of some right wing newspersons like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Pat Robertson, John Gibson, Steve Doocy, Britt Hume, Brian Kilmeade, Sheppard Smith, Robert Novak, Neal Cavuto, Chris Matthews, Glenn Beck, John Stossel, Carol Costello, and who can forget Ann Coulter.

Well, I can’t think of many right now, but perhaps if I had a little time I could come up with some.

At 3/06/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck are analysts, not news persons. The call themselves republicans.

Pat Robertson does NO NEWS.

Ann Coulter is just an opinion writer, and i could name 50 liberal opinion writers alone across the country that are rabidly liberal.

Sheppard Smith is as centrist as you could possibly be. He NEVER makes any opinions about anything, he ONLY gives the news.

O'reilly is also an ANALYST. Im not sure if you know the difference, and we have already agreed to disagree on his slant, which is traditional but certainly not republican.

John Stossel is a LIBERTARIAN, and he calls himself that.

Novak is an ANALYST. HE also calls himself a republican.

Chris Matthews is a blatant liberal hack, who goes out of his way on his joke of a news network to slam republicans in any way.

How about the 150 or more NEWS PEOPLE that will not call themselves any party affiliation, but are extraordinarily liberal.

Like I said, what world do u live in?

At 3/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee Goader, I thought you said the Pubs controlled the MAIN stream Media, but the only people you listed are either fox employees or are independent Analysts.

Didn't see Anyone form the Main stream media even ABC/CBS/NBC/NPR news reporter or anchors mentioned...oh eah, that's because they are LIBERALS as are the news departments and the networks that they work for.

At 3/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Little slow on the trigger aren't we? I already addressed all but NPR, which I will concede leans left from time to time.

I will repeat myself slowly--please keep up. T h e m a j o r i t y o f m a i n s t r e a m m e d i a i s o w n e d b y Disney, Time Warner, News Corp., GE, Viacom and CBS.

Oh, I get it. You were trying a little reverse Goader on me--sneaky.

At 3/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CBS is incredibly liberal. GE lets NBC be run as a liberal hack network, Viacom only runs local CBS stations.

Disney owns ABC, but does not run ABC.

I think you are having significant trouble differentiating the OWNER AND FUNDER of the stations, and the news persons themselves, and where they take their stories.

The ONLY OWNER that dictates that reporting MUST be fair is Newscorp, NONE of the others require anything close to that, and barely even monitor what their news anchors report on, and how they report it.

At 3/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


News Corp dictates that news must be fair… Have you lost your marbles? Are you pulling my leg?

Oh, you… You had me going for minute! Heehee, News Corp fair… Oh, that is Rich.


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