Friday, March 23, 2007

Get On It

Today, the House of Representatives will vote on whether or not to give Bush $100 BILLION to escalate the war and continue the occupation of Iraq.

The vote could go either way, so our calls this morning will make a difference.

Call your Representative right now to ask him or her to stop funding the war and bring our troops home.

If you are not sure who represents you in Congress, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Click here and find out.

Call the Congressional Switchboard toll-free: 888-851-1879 (ask the operator to connect you to your Representative's office).


At 3/23/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the bill requires the U.S. to be out of Iraq by next August 31. I do not know the other specifics, but I would like to see a conference bringing all interested parties to the table and discuss solutions.

At 3/23/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The President isn't about discussing solutions. He's the Deciderer and the Deciderer had Decided that we're in Iraq until we "Win".

He threw a hissy fit this afternoon (with troops used as props in the background) to make his point. No bench marks, no timetable, no accountability. He's promising a Veto and the spin doctors will do what they can to paint this as "Anti soldier" tactics by the Dems.

At 3/24/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw W on tv speaking of his planned veto and I swear he had the same look middle school Social Studies students get when asked to recall how bills become law. How many votes to over ride a veto? What does veto mean again?


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