Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I Have a Great Sense of Humor. For a Vegetarian.

h/t Addison


At 3/07/2007, Blogger Auty said...

Just out of curiosity - are you vegan or vegeterian?

At 3/07/2007, Blogger kate said...

Vegan is too radical for me. I eat free-roaming chicken eggs, organic cheese and milk and yogurt, etc. Just no fish or meat of any kind.
A plain ole vegetarian.

At 3/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, well at least you are human. I dont think i could live without cheese or milk (not by the glass, but use in cooking). Either one or both usually end up in over 50% of our meals.

At 3/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, isn't that cheating. I mean, how hard is it to keep meat and dairy separate if you don't eat meat?

At 3/07/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

port tampa, cheese and milk come from cows, but not from killing cows, but from milking cows. A little different from meat.

At 3/07/2007, Blogger kate said...

PT is refering to kosher laws. Good catch!!! Right. I keep kosher. But it's easier and cheaper to do if you're vegetarian. However, I converted to Judaism AFTER becoming vegetarian. Yet it all works out. I wouldn't want to have to get a whole other set of plates, flatware and pots for meat and luckily I don't have to. :-)

At 3/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best. Shirt. Ever.


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