Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's Up To Us

This weekend, I'll probably be sitting right here on my slowly spreading ass and trying not to sneeze.

Cause. Sneezing. F*cking. Hurts.

If you're able to walk upright and not scare anyone with the sight of you, how's this for an idea?

Hundreds of thousands of Americans will hit the streets from March 17 to 20 in honor of fallen soldiers to demand our troops come home. Candlelight vigils are an excellent way to communicate the human cost of this terrible war. Vigils are respectful and reach a larger audience than most typical demonstrations. And press photos of your vigil will speak thousands of words that won't fit in a sound bite or on a protest sign.

If you can't host one yourself, please sign up to attend one already planned near you.


At 3/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, jeez, I’m kind-a weary ya know…. Um a little bit tuckered out…. Uh wonder if it’s stream’n somewharr, maybe You Tube, you thank?

Activism wears me out!

At 3/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s strange, my name didn’t show up. Well I’m rerouting my CNAME so it must be authenticating.

Let’s play a game…. Just who do you think I might be hmmmm?


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