Saturday, March 03, 2007

My Favorite Land Animals

And no, I'm not talking about Deadheads.

Idaho and Wyoming lawmakers are planning to slaughter hundreds of wolves if the plan to remove federal protections for Northern Rockies wolves goes ahead. As many as 2 out of 3 wolves in Wyoming could be targeted with unlimited killing in some areas of the state.

You can speak out to save our wolves. Write to the Fish & Wildlife Service and urge them to keep vital protections for Northern Rockies wolves!

h/t Becky


At 3/03/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% behind you here Kate, and the MN home is in an area where wolf predation is a legitimate concern-keep those housepets in the house! Some of the anti-wolf fervor in the Rockies has been stirred up by folks who never wanted the gray wolf reintroduced in the first place. They've gone so far as to claim that with their Canadian origins the wolves aren't native.


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