One Million Blogs for Peace
Are you a blogger? If so and you agree with this statement:
I believe in the immediate withdrawal of all foreign combat troops from the nation of Iraq. I believe in using my blog, in whole or in part, as a tool...then between March 20, 2007 and March 20, 2008 (the fifth year of the Iraq War) join One Million Blogs for Peace. By signing up, a blogger is stating his or her agreement with The Pledge above. They will participate in various challenges launched by One Million Blogs for Peace.
toward this end.
Bloggers may take The Pledge and sign up before the launch date of 30 March 2007 and will be declared an "Inblogural" (Inaugural Blog) of the movement. Join us.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The unmentionable Bizayon is now one of the inaugral blogs, as a representative of IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War).
I was against the war from the outset, as I was not convinced at the time that our reasons justified preemptive war. However, now that we are there I am hesitant to up and totally withdraw. I believe we have created a responsibility to the law-abiding people to try to protect them from rogues who will take advantage of the chaos there.
Looking past the media images and political depictions, I know that the majority of the people are like you and me: trying to provide for their needs and wants and interacting with those around them. They are not equipped as the insurgents are with weapons or strategies for protection.
How do we, as a nation, reconcile the both the duty to protect those we have placed in harms way and the duty to leave Iraq?
The ultimate question is - what happens after the troops pull out??
Goader asks the questions appropriately -- do we just walk away and leave the people of Iraq to a true civil war??
We either have a draft, turn GM and Chevy plants into Stryker manufacturing plants for the Army, and send in 400,000 troops or we get out now.
The first option is never going to happen.
All that is left is leaving now.
Thanks for bringing this blog to my attention, I signed up!
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