Out in Left Field
Where parenting and politics meet, but don't always play nice.
Monday, March 12, 2007
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Finally, a photo all can agree on.
Scary. Hope you are doing better soon.
You look better than I would. Hope you are doing well and feel better soon.
So, what? They removed your head a placed it on a pillow next to a pile of sheets? No doubt, some kind of new age liberal body removal technique.
My name's not "Look", damn blogger.
Aw ~ you look so sweet ~ but it's kinda strange ~ you being so quiet and all!
Now that...is courage.
All your picture needs is a tall glass of soda water and a quart of lime Jell-O. Ohh, too sexy for your skirt… to sexeeee;-)
I hope you feel better soon!
Without your impetus, I don’t know how long we can carry the message.
Kate step away from the Blog slowly and put down the f'ing keyboard! You are allowed to take a break now and then. Looking forward to your multi-sentenced return.
That's some brave s*it, sister. Brave. Who did you convince to post this for you? The OR nurse? Who? And how was the good Dr. Berger? I can't wait to hear all about it. And I know you'll be posting before and after pics. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Been there, done that... Far too many times (no, not cosmetic sugery -- but general surgery shizit).
I didn't, however, have the nerve to let someone take a picture of me while in the hospital. Nor would I have the courage to show it off on the Interweb.
Hope you're feeling ok today.
Gosh, do I really look that horrible? At least I'm not drooling on myself. That's gotta count for something!
Feel better?
I'm never sure what sentiment is actually appropriate in moments like this.
Roger, Kate, we copy you on the round. You’ve got a bunch of guys (and gals) about to turn blue. We’re breathing again. Welcome back!!!
When can I see the results?
I'm not comfortable with any of this.
Looking back at my comment, it comes off more challenging than it was meant to be. I meant to say, "I hope you will feel better soon...although I'm uncertain exactly how to word that for these types of things and Hallmark doesn't have a card for this specific sentiment, even though they now have cards for things like coming out, dealing with a drug dependency and finding out you have cancer, which really sounds exhausting if you're coming out, getting clean and dealing with a cancer diagnosis all in one go, but this modern world forces us to multi-task, so I suppose it's not suffering harder, but suffering smarter and it's nice that Hallmark has a card for that situation and everything, but really, if you have just found out you have stage III, metastasized, inoperable cancer that has spread to your brain and lungs, how much comfort could it bring to get a little card with pictures of kittens and flowers on it, saying, "If Lance Armstrong can beat it, so can you," given that out of over 6 billion people in the world, only one of them is Lance Armstrong, so basically that means you have a 1 in 6 billion chance of beating it, which is admittedly better than wining Powerball, but, if certain commercials are to be believed, far worse than the chance your child will be born with autism, be in a "Hollywood style" car wreck or dance in a Broadway show.
Frankly, I think it's fairly hostile of Hallmark.
Again, too much information.
I'm with you brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean the real brother, plus, I thought that this site was about politics, not about being an exhibitionist.
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