Work With Me
As I lie here moaning for the *wrong* reasons and trying to figure out why Jeff has a problem with Rachael Ray (she's DELIGHTFUL), it'd make me feel better to stir up just a tiny bunch of sh*t.
Let's call (my) Rep. Brown-Waite and tell her we don't want an endless war. It'll be fun! We need to let her know her constituents want to support our troops by bringing them home safely this year.
Here is the number:
Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite
Phone: 202-225-1002
Not ginny, mind you. Rachael.
It's the voice.
Can't. Stand. The voice.
I dunno. It's sorta sultry sometimes.
Oh Christ, listen to me.
I have to get better and get out of this goddamn house.
If I start defending Oprah, shoot me.
I don't get all the Rachel hate. My limited list of "Meals I can cook without having the fire department involved" has grown substantially because of her. Given, she does sound like she smokes. In fact, she sounds like she rolls her own. Furthermore, she rolls her own using toxic waste and cement rolling papers.
Some angry homosexual on some blog or other once called her "common". I don't think he understands that "queen" is just an honorary title.
To me, she sounds like Peppermint Patty.
Peppermint Patty is not sultry.
Without trying to sound snobby, her food is sort of... eh.
Opening a bag isn't cooking. Pouring out of a can is not cooking. It's assembling. And while I applaud her for not pretending her food is haute cuisine, it's barely qualifying as something I'd care to ever eat.
I watched her show today and my husband said, "You look mortified."
I go back and forth.
Can't cook so assembling sounds safe. However, I can't really eat any of her concoctions. Meat and all.
I cannot believe I'm discussing this on my very own site. Shoot. Me. Now.
The Army of Rachel will soon overwhelm you. Resistance for longer than 30 minutes is unacceptable!
I don't mean to but in to the saga of Rachel's sultry voice, but I want to make a shameless publicity request. One of the joys of having one's own blog is having a forum to express emotionally charged issues. I have one from earlier this afternoon, and, since mine is still a baby blog with few visitors, I need mother blog to advertise my discordance. I hesitate to call it outrage but it sure teeters there. I don’t care if you disagree with everything I write (sometimes that is more fun anyway) but I do want people to read it to massage my ego.
Kate, I know you are not so much in the pink, but will you indulge me in this one?
It is titled http://es-k In the Meantime, the Student with Disabilities is Not Getting the Help She Needs
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Maybe it is outrage, since I hit the button so hard it posted twice!
Goader - do whatcha gotta do. I'm too busy over here trying to work up the strength to burp.
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