Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yet Another Bush Appointee Who Sucks Ass

Sorry. In a mood. Gas pains and all.

Plus I just watched Shut Up & Sing. Those Dixie Chicks rock, don't they?

I also keep wondering, "What the hell did I do to myself?"

So let's take some of this pain, irritation, outrage and direct it toward Alberto Gonzales. Our Attorney General fired US Attorneys for political reasons and then denied it.

Demand that he step down.

And sing along with me, "I'm not ready to make nice..."


At 3/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, did you pay Viacom a royalty for that You Tube ditty?

At 3/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy Bob BJ Clinton sacked all the the US Attorneys. Where was your outrage then??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

At 3/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is political routine for incoming presidents to replace the attorneys general in place when he (or maybe she soon) takes office. That is not the issue in the present case.

The current firings are for reasons other than politically cleaning house. It is alleged that the Bush administration is firing attorneys because they were about to report on corruption in the administration.

P.S. I am glad to see you capitalized “BJ,” if any hummer deserved capital letters that one certainly qualified.

At 3/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gonzales also apparently knew a DoJ probe into the administration's Big Brother approach to surveillance was going to focus on him. Knowing this, he had no compunction about having Bush kill the investigation.

Man's more rotten than a zombie in a George A. Romero flick.


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