You Asked For It
Before I get started, is our Superintendent related to our Vice President?
Anyone else with me on this one? At the very least - distant cousins. Am I wrong?
Okay, you won't read this take on Tuesday's school board meeting in the Trib:
After waiting 4 1/2 hours, teachers finally spoke to the board about the 6/7 change for next year. According to one witness, who doesn't want to be named for fear of getting fired, Superintendent Elia "refused to even acknowledge the legitimacy of our concerns, did not mention the extra class other than to say by contract she can demand 300 minutes, and even went so far as to say that she expects us to continue doing what we have always done 'for the sake of the students'. Her stubborn resistance to even a dialogue with us is evidence that she will not budge on her decision.'
Elia said she'd rather this solution than hire new teachers without experience (take that - education majors studying for your degree!) or deal with teachers who come on board through the Alternative Certification Program.
Is she crazy? ACP allows non-education majors who want to change careers to get certified without going back to college. It's a wonderful way for professionals to apply their real-world experience to the classroom. (Disclosure: That's how I did it.)
Overall, I'm not surprised. Those in the know told me a while back that nothing would change next year's plan. Now those who have fought the good fight have decided to follow the contract and let the board deal with fallout next year. If angry students and parents can drag themselves away from American Idol long enough to give a sh*t. We'll see.
Never have I seen so many teachers at odds with their leader. I mentioned to one veteran that Elia has lost respect among her educators.
"Lost respect?" the woman said. "She never earned it in the first place."
Elia expects to save $28 million, but I know where she can get $20 million cash right now, and she only has to walk down the hall to find it.
Now, if she'd just tell someone to "Go F*ck Yourself" her journey to the dark side would be complete.
has she also shot anyone in the face lately?
They do look awfully similar- did she spend time at Haliburton?
That woman is hard as nails!
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