At What Price, Vanity?
I ain't gonna front, y'all. Recovery from surgery is still kicking my ass.
After any major overhaul, docs prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection. Defenses are lowered so the victim, err patient, is susceptible to all kinds of problems. Like strep throat. Another dose of antibiotics is prescribed.
Week or two later, all is right with the world.
Except maybe not.
After five or six days experiencing the kind of pain normally only associated with Guinea worm disease, I finally went to my primary care physician. Turns out, all those antibiotics kill good bacteria as well. Good bacteria cleans out our digestive tract and makes us smile the kind of smile that can only come from regularity.
The bratt diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and tea) is only so much help. Anyone else have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Just don't tell me to blow it out my ass.
Acidophilus pearls are enteric coated to make it through to the colon.....and, of course some good digestive enzymes.
Yogurt, orange-essence dried plums, tons of water and multivitamins.
If you're allowed, get down with some serious stretching to lengthen the tranverses and obliques (no point in having it tucked, if it ain't gonna be perfect).
Lots and lots of lotion - chestnut or seaweed based to help with elasticity.
Possibly as an enema.
If you aren't already eating it, get some plain yogurt, one with lots of active cultures, preferably from the health food store (so as to avoid all the fillers, gelatin, and sugar that turn yogurt into sickly-sweet cold cream-like gunk that only kids want to eat). Add some fresh berries and a bit of honey, and eat at least once a day.
If you loathe yogurt, you can still get your dose of "friendly bacteria" via supplements; ask for probiotics, and take as directed.
It's a good idea to take them in tandem with any antibiotic regimen. I learned this many years ago when a kidney infection had me popping horse-pill-sized antibiotics and my entire digestive system was rendered (seemingly) useless for weeks.
This sounds obvious, but drink plenty of water, all day long.
Finally--and I learned this from my boys' Costa Rican nanny when they were little, and she had beautiful skin at age 70--make a habit of drinking a cup of hot water (hot enough to make tea) with a whole lemon squeezed into it, first thing in the morning. Every morning. You have to just shoot it, like tequila, until you get used to the sharpness. It works wonders on sluggish innards, believe me. And it boosts the immune system, too. Good luck.
Try some Bio Salud - I get 5 small bottles at Wal Mart for 99 cents and drink one a day. The stuff is loaded with those good bugs and works great. Plus it was a school teacher that originally told me about it. So it has to be good.
Vox Populi- dudette, you are fucked. Voice of the people? How about voices of people? Listen to them in your head and stay inside. Away from sharp objects.
Thank you for supporting teachers, Steve Otto.
I take back my coffee suggestion.
Lots of it.
Feel better soon, Kate.
Sit back and dream of Colorado ... weather is finally beautiful, sunny warm, whole bit ... summer's just around the corner, leaves are out ... yay.
come on out ...
I am sorry to hear you are in the hospital. I hope you are home soon. We need your input!
Hospitalized- yeah right, LOL. We all know you're off somewhere with Elia figuring out a way to screw teachers...whatever!
Hospitalized? Uh huh, sure. Why do you keep following me? Okay then. LOL. they give pair discounts? Umm...for a "friend," not for me... huh? yeah!
I don't feel sorry for the woman. She brought this all on herself. This was not required surgery; it was elective. "Just thought someone should point that out."
Seriously, are you OK?
L to be L'd—
How pathetic is one who hits another person who is down. Apparently, some people cannot separate the battle for ideas and political ideologies from actually wanting to due harm to his or her opponent. Thankfully, they are in the vast minority.
I don't feel sorry for L to be L'd. He/She brought this all on his/herself. This was not a required comment; it was elective. Just thought someone should point out that he/she's an ass.
There's a lesson to be learned in there somewhere.
Maybe you should review Kate's comments on her blog entry "Lessons to be Learned." This is the same philosophy she preached regarding the death of another human. So she must be an ass too. Not that this is news to me!
My goodness, how vocal the people are getting. Unfortunately, like most mobs, that voice isn't kind, compassionate or even particularly smart.
I guess the only lesson to be learned here is if one can't rustle up some basic human decency for someone, regardless of their political stances, then one is pretty much a horrible person and one's half-formed, frothing critiques on the compassion of others are, at best, meaningless and at worst laughably hypocritical.
On at entirely different note, get well, Kate.
L to L,
She's just complaining about a little poo. Your "she did it too" rationale is weak.
I thought that was rather well formed. Then again, I do love myself. As I wipe my mouth I wouldn't want to leave you (and me) without a hypocritical laugh. You're an ass.
BTW, tongue in cheek goes a long way around here.
Snark, snark.
A dose of one's own medicine goes a long way.
>>Maybe you should review Kate's comments on her blog entry "Lessons to be Learned." This is the same philosophy she preached regarding the death of another human.<<
On her comments on that blog entry, I would agree with her that a woman walking around naked in her home with curtains open and exposed to outsiders looking in does, in part, have herself to blame when a man films her. The comment about the overwight woman eating steak and choking to death was a poor example of the point she wanted to make because why someone is overweight could be any number of reasons and thin people have choked to death on food before, so that example was a total non sequitor.
I would agree you had a point if Kate were on here saying "Oh, woe is me, I don't deserve this" regarding the elective surgery she had, but I haven't seen her say that. In fact, I haven't seen anything to indicate that she doesn't believe she brought this onto herself, so I'm not quite sure the point you wanted to make.
I'm not exactly sure what your point is, Tiny, or why I'm an ass, but whatever.
You get it.
Now, everybody, blow it out your asses.
Thank you rw for at least taking time to consider what I was saying - even if you didn't get the point.
interbay superstar = trailer trash.
go see for yourself.
Sorry, I did not coin the phrase trailer-trash in reference to Interbay Superstar. Just repeating it.
""" vox populi said...
Hospitalized- yeah right, LOL. We all know you're off somewhere with Elia figuring out a way to screw teachers...whatever!
Hospitalized? Uh huh, sure. Why do you keep following me? Okay then. LOL. they give pair discounts? Umm...for a "friend," not for me... huh? yeah!
5/02/2007 3:41 PM """
The above comment was NOT MADE by vox populi. as you note, it was NOT logged in. Voxpopuli has NEVER maDe an unclaimed comment anywhere on the WWW. In fact, voxpopuli, despite numerous emails begging for my attention to this site ... has NOT BEEN to this site since April 27, 2007. Once kate brought the hate-bait into it with her jewish comments I washed my hands of her inanity entirely. BUT, I did come here today upon someone telling me AGAIN that my name was being used ANONYMOUSLY. For the record, the above is not me. Kate does not interest me any more than a pair of old shoes would and ... frankly, I haven't had anything like time for her since the death and decorum statement at sticks. And she knows it so she has tried to crawl up my leg in various ways ever since. Including apparently numerous anonymous comments and one or two she attempted to attribute to me. I think everyone knows I am FAR too good hearted to ever make a comment such as above. I didn't even know the dumbass had been in the hospital. Too bad that doesn't explain away her threats towards minors.
Metamucil twice a day. Don't take w/in 2 hours of eating food or medicine. Do the yogurt and kefir thing. Try to eat lots of different kinds of foods. Chew beans very well. Use Gas X.
If still having problems, as in burning sensation, inability to eat... you may have developed some kind of ulcer from those wonderful surgeries and medicines. Ask your doctor for Nexium.
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