Sunday, April 08, 2007

Get a Life

Can you read a website written by someone you'd never want to meet? Or, better yet, someone you'd probably dislike and want to throw from a moving vehicle?

I can't. I pick writers like I pick friends. If someone seems shallow or unlikeable, for whatever reason, then his/her writing is dead to me. No matter how colorful his cadence or powerful her prose.

This filters into other areas as well. Mel Gibson might direct an important film, I'd never know. Wagner's operas sound like nails on a chalkboard and Tom Cruise turns my stomach. A few times, I've even met someone whose work I admire (coughDennisMillercough) but if they make a bad impression, then I can't get past it. They are never appreciated in the same way again.

I guess I have an aversion to assholes. In real life, on-line, and everywhere in between.

Political points of view don't matter. Conservatives can charm and fascinate while fellow progressives can come across as dour and pointless. Besides, I'd be a lonely girl if I only adored those who shine like me. How many liberal, vegetarian Jews of Irish descent do *you* know?

That's why I'm baffled by haters. You know the type - they read a website only to complain in comments or send emails riddled with insults and threats. Come on. Isn't there a Dukes of Hazzard episode you could be watching instead?

To my own little band of haters, I must say you are horribly misguided. You don't really know me. If we met, you'd walk away with giggles and happy thoughts. Ask around. I'm a delight. And my guess is, you know this. You're just hoping I start wearing baggy clothes and give that evangelical point of view a ride.

One of these days, right?

Well, keep on reading. And hoping. Don't let me stop you. Or my failure to understand your weird and wacky ways.


At 4/08/2007, Blogger Chase Squires said...

So I'm reading the St. Pete Times (Florida's Best Newspaper, as their slogan tells me) and I see ..

"As Crist approaches his 100th day in office Thursday, the self-styled "people's governor" is riding a sky-high approval rating of 73 percent, according to a recent poll. He has endeared himself to a wide cross section of Floridians with a combination of hopeful populism and center-left politics."

Can this be true, has he won you over?? :-) He is a darn snappy dresser!

I can't help but look and continue to see a state knee-deep in homeowners' insurance and property tax woes, underfunded schools, woefully short on roads, overbuilt, underplanned .... etc.

Meanwhile, the biggest debates in our own legislature this session have been on demanding power companies produce at least 20 percent of their energy by renewable sources and providing powerline transmission capacity to rural areas where we expect to generate wind and solar power ...

... where's florida on that solar/wind stuff? Just axin' ...

... okay, so it is snowing today, you got me there.

At 4/08/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found through a literature search that the Florida School Board Association is propagating the idea that lowered student-teacher ratios are synonymous with reduced classroom size. (see “Issue Briefs: Co-Teaching)

At 4/08/2007, Blogger Johnny Fonts said...

Kate --

Like I always love to point out, the World Wide Web helps foster the idea that anonymity gives people an exclusive right to say things they wouldn't say in public.

Behold -- the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.

I guess these people are really desperate for yoru attention specifically. Probably because you DO shine through and these people are surrounded by the mire of the lives they lead.

Hope you're feeling better and what other word could I have used to describe my blackberry besides "unit"? ;)

At 4/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you dragging the Duke boys into this?

They're just some good ole boys. Never meanin' no harm.


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