Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Small World

I don't believe in conspiracy theories.

Except for PMS, which totally does not exist, and was created by men who conspired to explain why females aren't equal to males. Because every month we are a hormonal mess. And we shouldn't be paid the same as men, who are hormonally fine every day of the year. Until someone breaks up with them or fires them or flunks them. Then they go ape shit and kill people.

But I digress.

Somewhere along the way women bought into PMS, but that doesn't make it legitimate. Be a b*tch, just don't blame it on your body. Whole thing is nonsense.

Where was I? Oh yes.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories.

Cause people who do are kinda nuts. And I got enough problems.

The other day, I was over at Tampa BLAB and came across this delightful diatribe.

I know that dude!

Grew up with his daughter and, along with everyone I've ever cared about, we still keep in touch today. I've even written about her a few times.

Charlie Cumpstone ain't part of no conspiracy. I know his kids. And they'd talk.

But boy. Do I have stories.


At 4/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I know Julie Brown, too. She married into a family who knows a very nice family. So what?

She still did dirty things trying to wrest a City Council seat. This very nice family (whom I was also married into after a fashion) helped her to participate in this ...

You grew up with some guy's daughter. So what?

Did you go with him to all his activities?

Oh yeah?? Then WHAT do you KNOW?

I'm not sure where you get conspiracy out of anything I talk about but it's a BIT TOUGH to disprove TAPE AND PHOTOS. hmmmmm
Oh and you are not the judge and jury. (as in the case of the poor deceased victim of the Pinellas Fire Dept.)
Anyway, thanks for weighing in.

You should read more about the Masons. Or perhaps you should be in my shoes and find the truth THAT way.
If Charlie Cumpstone and all of his involvement in the city is part of the problem that tampa is today, that makes him complicit.
Hey, I know quite a bit about Oscar Ray. Such as his wife. She's a nice girl. I'm sure she wouldn't do anything that I wouldn't know about. She actually IS a very nice girl --- but obviously I did not know everything about her. Eh?

I'll leave it at that.
We all have stories.

Thanks for reading and .... .. hmmmm ... uh .... whatever. LOL !!!

I kinda knew there was something wrong with the picture when Elia came down all over people and you talk freely. Hmmmmmmm. What is wrong with this picture?

Again, thanks for coming by.
Enjoy your day.

Kate, I'll be frank with you. Your opinion is not that important to anyone. Here's the deal: It's really NOT to me.
You are the same person who served up decorum and the death penalty in the same sentence.
And you claim to be progressive.
What's wrong with this picture??
Anyhooo if you're looking for a lil blogger cat fight move on. You're not on my radar, see?

At 4/17/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

Further, it's interesting that with all that is going on in the world you make effort to reach out and touch ME. Not like 33 people are lying dead at a school and you are a teacher. LOL !!!

Kate, it's obvious you have an agenda.

At 4/17/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

Anyone interested in the missing post can find it: MY BLOG
I took what amt'd to an add'l five minutes and re-read that entire post. Nowhere in it does it say that mr c was part of any conspiracy. Not once. Perhaps you should re-read it.

Kate has an agenda. A very transparent agenda.

At 4/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, Kate, you've done it now. Vox Populi is a ranting lunatic, judging from her insane paranoid blog posts. You don't want to piss her off!

At 4/17/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

LOL !!! Yes, this quickly degenerates into all of kate's friends and anonymous commenters. Some of whom are obviously kate. Ya don't see that on my insane raving lunatic posts. LOL !!

and again ...

LOL !!!!

What do yall think I'm NEW here?

I am glad to meet another reader.
It's the words that are upsetting everyone. Oh boy maybe they should learn to play nicer ..... awwwwww Or stop stealing from people so they can have it ALL.
Please, yall out yourselves THAT quick. You coulda kept this goin' for a few hours if you had a scintilla what you were doing ... but you've already lost my attention and made me laugh.
I'm not angry with kate, why would I be angry with Kate?
She wanted my attention.
She got it for a minute. (45 minutes, maybe??? but I've spent time on kate in the past ... no biggy)
What I don't GET about these folks is they never seem to know WHAT to DO with your attention when they get it. LOL !!! it's like dogs chasing cars...
I have the respect of the better bloggers NATIONALLY. Yes, I am a raving lunatic and A-list bloggers have me linked and how are you today?
I have had offers to buy MY story. And my photos and video. How is yours doing on the market? LOL !!
Scuse me. I'm headed for a rave.
Notice how I don't utilize strawman, fallacial reasoning, or red-herring attacks.

At 4/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetie, while your writing does sound as though it comes from someone with an education, it very often degrades into stream-of-concsiousness and quickly becomes incoherent. You exhibit classic signs of delusions of persecution a symptom of schizophrenia. An unmedicated malfunctioning mind is very often a creative engine, but I fear your grip on reality is rather tenuous. Please seek some professional help.

At 4/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Kate.
First, I love this blog. You're totally awesome, and 98% of the time I'm totally on board with you. But talking about going ape shit and killing people is a little inappropriate. At least today.
Okay, do you *really* not believe in PMS, or are you kidding?
No. You've got to be kidding.
Wait. No. Are you? Yes?
Anyway, keep it up.

At 4/17/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vox Populi is hot..umm...yeah...LOL! Hey, but I'd try to get with her, but umm...yeah...hey LOL! I'd get with her but that's too many presents to buy for all the voices in her head...but hey...yeah! Ummm...LOL! What was I saying? Is it cookie time? Umm...hey..yeah! LOL! Cookies are nice. Yeah....

shhhh....vox populi...shhhh..when's the last time you checked your mailbox? shhh...shhhh...if you're going to look...shhhhh...be safe....shhhhh...Yeah, but hey! LOL! HEY! Who is that behind you?

At 4/18/2007, Blogger kate said...

bjk - PMS is really a crock. Believe it.

rr and latin man/woman - You make my toes curl.

voxie - Cripes, settle down. My only agenda is to make people laugh so hard they pee their pants. (A girl's gotta dream.) I don't make anonymous comments because I want every witty word attributed to me. Who does that, btw? And Elia and I...hmmm...I thought I burned all the pictures of us kissing. With tongue.

Color me embarrassed.

At 4/18/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that voxie gal is crazy!!
no need to respond to nuts!!


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