Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekends Suck

Who doesn't love two days off?

Umm. Me. That's who.

Breaks down like this: I go, go, go all week. Working, writing, mommy-ing. Good times. Keeps me focused on something other than the house is/isn't selling, my family is fragmented, everyone has a life but me, does this blouse make me look fat, etc.

Saturday arrives and, oh, I've got a few things going on, but most of the time I play with my kids and think about my life.

Thinking leads to dwelling and dwelling leads to blubbering. KnowwhatImean?

Rentals and YouTube are only so effective.

Then it becomes painfully clear.

This ain't livin'.


At 4/14/2007, Blogger Julio Rodriguez said...

Hang in there, kate

At 4/14/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

Yes it is. Oh, it really is. Precious moments with your babies you can never reclaim. Enjoy them !! Everything else will work out. It will.

At 4/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look on the bright side.

It's only a two-day weekend!

At 4/14/2007, Blogger David Jenkins said...

Kate, I know I pimp enough, but seriously, I think you should try to catch my show before it closes. I bet it'd hit close ...

At 4/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, of course - you sound like you have a regular ol' case of lonely, annoyed by chasing financial goals, just got outta surgery.

Very understandable.

I hope you're telling your friends these thoughts in person.

I'll put some good thoughts out into the world for ya! Catch 'em! Here they come!

At 4/14/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe another trip to Colorado is in order?

At 4/14/2007, Blogger kate said...

I'm a mess. Who cries while watching this?

Umm. Me. That's who.

At 4/15/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate-after enduring many separations, including my current self inflicted work in Minnesota, I say it's time for you to wallow in the misery for a while. Embrace it. (I go for the crying so much my eyes swell shut and my nose is so stuffy I become a mouth breather result, but that's just me.)

Say screw it to those who attempt to make you feel better, you'll do that on your own either through your own efforts or circumstances changing for the better. Either way, it's ok to be miserable now and again-or every long stinking weekend. Your situation does suck and cherishing every moment with your boys, reflecting on all you do have, etc. etc. only means that you could be even more miserable-not that you "have a life."

Well, now I feel better. Thanks.


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