Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Something slightly obscene about a superintendent who breaks the backs of her teachers while profiting from their hard work.

Dontcha think?


At 4/03/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that is incredible! A bonus of $48,240? So subtract $35,012 for a Level 1 teacher with a bachelor's degree and you still have $13,228 left over. Which would almost pay for a new Level 12 support employee. I used Schedules A and M for these figures. You can access them through the Hillsborough County School District's website.

At 4/03/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

Which exemplifies my statement about these 'top ten women' of Tampa.

Revolting. It should be illegal.

I would help anyone who would pursue making this illegal.
This system is completely out of hand. The administration is a cash cow and the teachers go begging. Some of the teachers are not so great but I get the feeling those are the ones that Elia imported specially for her support. Because other teachers are ALL THAT. And then some. True educators.
It's really sickening.

At 4/03/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with the $48,240, it's the rest that's outrageous.

At 4/03/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable! The district has basically just sent its teachers a big F U !!!


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