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Yes, folks, weekends are no longer spent healing a wound or moaning about my bowels. I can now resume normal activity and you know what that means?
I sit home with a movie and a glass of wine and talk to the television.
Last night I watched the newest documentary about my all-time favorite artist. I own every record John Lennon ever recorded and even one of his lithographs. Once, I ditched all my friends (or did they ditch me?) on a Friday night back in 1988 to watch Imagine with a bunch of aging hippies.
The times, they have hardly a'changed.
Anyway, if you're looking for a good movie about an inspirational human being unfairly targeted by our government (see if you can count how many similarities between wartime then and wartime now) - rent this dandy flick.
It's good to be back.
It's considered polite to give the original author credit when you 'borrow' their material. Or, so I've heard.
This is like the sixth time you borrow our stuff without giving us credit. It was okay because I figure it helps to get the word out but after I called you on it, I figure you should give credit. That speaks volumes about you.
>>It's considered polite to give the original author credit when you 'borrow' their material. Or, so I've heard. This is like the sixth time you borrow our stuff without giving us credit.<<
Interesting. So you have exclusive rights on talking about movies you've watched over the weekend?
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