Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Burns for the Board?

Got an email from this guy. Says he wants to run for the Hillsborough County School Board.
Here's how I will help you:

1. I will not travel to any conferences or meetings that do not
benefit District 3. Some Board Members attend functions that needlessly
spend your tax dollars without any benefit to their District.
Instead, I will use my time traveling to your meetings listening to
your concerns.

2. As a Board member, I will visit every school in my District at
least twice a year to talk with students, teachers, administrators and the
support staff. These "town hall" meetings will help me use your input when
voting on important items like curriculum changes and new policies and
procedures. They will also help me when I have discussions with the
administration on the many issues we all care about. If asked, I will
gladly visit other schools in different districts to gather valuable

3. I am a fiscal conservative and will do everything I can to
eliminate unnecessary expenditures. I will also closely scrutinize every
expense and organizational change to ensure it benefits parents, teachers,
students, and all taxpayers.

4. For the first time, the Board will have a person who has recent
teaching experience, and I will use that experience to shape decisions that will
help all teachers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

Getting involved in every aspect of government and representation is important; however, we have more influence in local races and local representation.

So get involved. And get to know Fred.

At least he signs the correspondence he sends to me. And that's gotta count for something.


At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Support Burns for the Board! He is a great teacher and a great friend. He will fight for the rights of teachers!

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most Scorpion women are pretty. Are you sure that your birthdate is what you claim it is? If so that would make you the first scorpio woman I have ever met or my wife has ever met who lack this quality. Maybe somthing got confused on the adoption papers? You should check.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never mind. On perusing your site I can evince a great deal of confusion so I'm sure it applies to the birthdate, also.

The FCAT support? Yes, that is such an intellectual stance.

I guess you handed out some coupons and lapdances at the tribune offices, too.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This wife to which you refer anonymous, has anyone ever actually seen her or do you only talk to her when you're safely tucked away in your parent's basement? Perhaps you're ambidextrous and practice polygamy with the missuses, or would it be missi? You certainly seem to have plenty of time on your "hands" to post your drivel here. How about you focus some of that energy on solving some real problems, maybe start with your own emotional shortcomings.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My point made again. Whenever "Katie" wants to come out and say something she says it anonymously with one of her "clever" little slogans attached. This is exactly what I was told by fellow progressive bloggers.
This woman does seriously sit on the County payroll and talk to herself all day long. You notice if you look back at her posts that she keeps her weekends free. That's because she is not being paid to blog by the County. Mister anonymous note sender does not exist, either except in "Katie's" loco cabesa.
This blogger is so attention hungry that she goes to extremes and makes up notes that someone sends her anonymously. Do you think she goes to the trouble of dropping by the Post Office with them and actually mailing them to herself? Because, you'd think she'd want to prosecute such a "nut". But that would make her activity here a crime since she mails them to herself.
My wife is fine, thanks. I'm pretty sure that she is your boss for awhile longer.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that you find comfort in thinking that Kate is all alone talking to herself through implied anonymity, when yourself has no courage to even attach a pseudonym, choosing anonymous. You don't even have a crumb of originality or creativity. You associate wife and boss in the same sentence, I'm sure it's safe to assume who wears the pants in that household. Well, maybe not, I'm sure in the basement you sit in front of your computer in boxers and a wife-beater. No Pants Required right, since theres nothing there to cover? These fellow bloggers of which you speak, we're supposed to assume they exist outside of your cadre of invisible friends? I do so hope you continue to post, though I sort of feel I am taking advantage of you for my own amusement as you're rather poorly armed.
For a moment though, let's be serious, have to spoken to a mental health professional about your issues? At a minimum you seem to have some severe self-worth issues that you're attempting to self-medicate through objectifying and attacking a total stranger on the Internet. Speaking to someone trained in the sort of personality disorders you're exhibiting might bring some peace and happiness that you're currently lacking.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blogger is so attention hungry that she goes to extremes and makes up notes that someone sends her anonymously. Do you think she goes to the trouble of dropping by the Post Office with them and actually mailing them to herself? Because, you'd think she'd want to prosecute such a "nut". But that would make her activity here a crime since she mails them to herself.
My wife is fine, thanks. I'm pretty sure that she is your boss for awhile longer.

No dear, she really is your boss for awhile longer and about to find out how you spend your days when you SHOULD be teaching. I'm a private investigator for the Pinellas County school system with connections to the Hillsborough. How will this look on your resume' when the I.P. address displays that you are posting your blog while your students lack a teacher?

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the blogger(Kate) would have ready access to your IP through site monitoring software if she's using it, but you really don't have access to hers. Even in the rare chance you might by violating privacy laws(cuzz we all know some folks have friends in low places), you'd see this illusion that you believe for the fallacy that it is. So good luck with "proving" that I am Kate. My wife would like any information that I'm secretly a liberal woman in my other life.

At 5/09/2007, Blogger kate said...

"I guess you handed out some coupons and lapdances at the tribune offices, too."

- No, they only take bjs down there. Luckily though, I got the skills to pay the bills.

"This blogger is so attention hungry that she goes to extremes and makes up notes that someone sends her anonymously."

- Who does that? Besides you, I mean.

- I wish I knew all my anonymous fans and I do have site monitoring software only in case of emergency. But I don't check it cause it would interfere with all the time it takes to perform lapdances in order to get my sh*t published.

At 5/09/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

vox populi is screwed said...

Vox Populi- dudette, you are fucked. Voice of the people? How about voices of people? Listen to them in your head and stay inside. Away from sharp objects.


Please do us the favor of staying of the what happens if you don't...

5/09/2007 3:04 PM

Here's an FYI for you. I told you clearly that you are SO not on my radar of people that matter. I moved your asinine post to my website and have not been here since the last comment I made although I note in a past post that you are making comments under my name (though not able to log in, of course) and attributing same to me. I have NEVER made an anonymous comment HERE or ANYWHERE else on the WWW and I do consider this above referenced comment a direct threat. Now,I have had more than several peope, anonymous and otherwise inform me that you and your ilk are over here in a fantasy world typing badness and asinineness pertaining to moi so yesterday I gave it about fifteen minutes and although I only today noticed that you posted under MY name *but unable to log in* I did notice that in every post since the one where you tried to crawl up my lef the THIRD time you have referenced my name somewhere in a derogatory fashion.
Please explain what you mean by the above 'stay away from this site ... or watch what happens if you don't...
You have stalked me around on the internet, you have made numerous attempts to garner my attention, you have had others and possibly your own self email me seeking my attention to your infantile program...
I consider the above a threat. Now what you don't know about voxpopuli will surely come as a surprise to you and your associates.
Explain yourself.
And do NOT try to pretend you do not know about this posted threat because you yourself posted right after it.
Explain yourself and then I will explain to you how you just got yourself into the deepest shit you wanna be in.
You don't go around threatening some people and you don't go around letting 'anonymous people' read YOURSELF threaten some people on your website.
You are of little or no interest to me, as I have patiently explained in the past.
It's ironic to me that a place I could give two flips about a person or persons would come and defend me.
You're so insignificant and destined within the next few days to become even more so.
Please explain yourself and your allowed to remain postings pertaining to me IMMEDIATELY.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rant much Vox? I'm detecting a bit of Mansonesque rhetoric in your diatribes. It would be mildly entertaining to watch if it wasn't so tragic to think you're raising children under the influence of what appears to be untreated mental illness. Please seek help. Schizophrenia is treatable.

At 5/09/2007, Blogger Vox Populi said...

Okay I gave you a chance. I'm not sure why you think continuing stalking online and going after a person who has no interest in you is going to give you any currency in the world. I gave you a chance to reply and/or to remove this threat. I took the screen shots. Threats are threats.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let me help you out here.

If this place is truly insignificant to you, then don't post here. It's really that simple. No really, it is. The one imitating you may post for a while longer, but they'll eventually go away and it'll all be over. I'm constantly amazed at people who can't figure out to just drop it and it'll stop.

Besides, "watch what happens if you don't..." isn't a threat anymore than "If you don't quit bugging me I'll make you wish you had stopped" is a threat. There isn't a reasonable court in the world where you would win that one, so cut the crap.

Walk away. Just....... walk......away.

At 5/09/2007, Blogger kate said...

I'm with RW.

Okay, I get it - you liked me till I had to audacity to support the death penalty. Then you went cuckoo and are accusing me of all kinds of things. Just go away. I don't visit your site. The stalking thing is laughable. I have no power to do anything, sweetheart. If you really think I'm demented enough to write to myself and talk to myself - then laugh and walk away. Like RW said before me.

I'm not going to stop anyone else from responding to these crazies. Not yet anyway. No censorship here. But really, if you ignore them, maybe they will go away and bug someone else.

Still not sure what I did to solicit such nastiness. Think for myself I suppose...Oh well. Peace out peeps.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am "fan of Katie"
Katie you did nothing to solicit such nastiness...some people really just have nothing better to do and have to victimize someone because they are so pathetic and impotent...I am sorry this is happening to you my friend.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she weren't doing it herself, thriving on the attention OR enjoying it in her sick fashion she would have deleted the repeat comments to vox populi. Every day since SHE (katie) started the posting to vox populi. (April 20, 2007) She has the power to delete it, she kept trying to start trouble, enjoyed it and won't like what she reaps.

rw I think your friend 'katie' could use some of your advice.

There's an easy way to look through this and trace it back. I haven't seen one comment on here from vox populi since April 27, 2007 yet this blogger continues to post comments pertaining to vox populi. This is clear baiting. So innocent little sweet 'katie' is guilty of hate-baiting, minor-baiting, race-baiting and who knows what other type baiting. (SMILE)

People should be aware that she does this in a threatening manner. It's not funny and it's not being handled by myself and several others with humor but in all seriousness.

rw - I looked at your comments and you are startlingly the same as 'katie' in your manner of speaking. I don't think anyone would choose to seek redress in court ***but that's not up to me, after all she is a county employee and voxpopuli has reported stalking by county employees, looks like 'katie' jumped on the bandwagon ***
And, she is in the wrong, there's something wrong with her continuing to attack people for no apparent reason and she's in for a big surprise.
Vox Populi ignored her, received numerous emails as did I, about this ignorance and still ignored her and then when the threat was posted vox populi finally spoke up.
'Katie' is a county employee. Thus it appears she is similar to others involved and also on her way out. Again, similar to others involved. She worked very hard to get the attention of vox populi and others, including myself and I hope she enjoys her reward. I think it will be long-term. It's not harmless to threaten someone and unless YOU are the one threatened, you can NOT assess the threat's level.
That would be up to the person threatened who happens to be a minor.

At 5/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also notice you have yet to explain what you meant by

'.... stay away or you don't want to know what will happen ....'
according to my data all of these posts, including rw's came from the same ip.
So, what is meant by that threat?

Instead of your arbitrary, selective and stupid answers ... I expect a direct answer to what was meant by the above-referenced comment.

That's two requests from two people.

Answer the question.

What was meant by that threat?

At 5/10/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>I haven't seen one comment on here from vox populi since April 27, 2007 yet this blogger continues to post comments pertaining to vox populi.<<

Prove it. The only posts I'm seeing is this dumb "Vox Populi- dudette, you are fucked. Voice of the .....", and you need to prove Kate the one posting it. Other than that, no one's talking about vox.

>>i also notice you have yet to explain what you meant by '.... stay away or you don't want to know what will happen ....'
according to my data all of these posts, including rw's came from the same ip.<<

In that case you need to get your data checked because I'm not the one writing it. I sign my name when I write something here. There would be no reason for me to write that crap anyway. I'm new here, I don't know vox, I could care less if s/he's dead or alive, so what would be the point?

Well, I now have a google account because of this, so let there be no doubt when I write that it's me.

At 5/10/2007, Blogger kate said...

Thanks for registering RW. I doubt we'll hear from the wackos anytime soon now that I don't allow anon comments.

But they're still out there. Listening to all those voices and blaming me.

Scary stuff...

At 5/10/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

>>No, they only take bjs down there. Luckily though, I got the skills to pay the bills.<<

This post is worthless without pics.



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