Out in Left Field
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
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Not here to support the Neo-cons on the list or anything, but...
Why did they pick 5 R's but only 4 D's? Have Newt or Al officially declared? If not, why are they on the list. How about we toss out Newt to make it an even 4 on 4. Then toss out Al and replace him with... Kucinich who has 2 divorces and three marriages. Since we're cherry picking and all.
Then there's the matter of the Clintons. Anyone who thinks that their "marriage" is anything beyond a politico-business arrangement has their head up their arse.
So... just sayin'
Oh and don't forget to defeat neo-cons whenever you vote. kthxbye
I still think the chart makes a valid point.
And I'm not so sure I'd characterize the Clintons that way. It's easy to judge from our viewpoint. However, when you see them together, there is a connection between the two. Even secret service and others who observed them up close remark about their visible love for one another. And they raised a good kid.
Rumor has it it's for real.
It would mean something to me if their voting records and public statements weren't opposed to what I consider to be family values.
I would say that just shows the Reps know when to get out while the gettin's good, but given current circumstances, I guess that wouldn't work. Heheh
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