My Answers: DCCC 2007 New Directions Survey (Part One)
Part I: LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES (We are to rank them.)
1- Crossed out "Setting a new course in Iraq" and wrote "Bring our troops home."
2- Protecting our nation from the threat of terrorism (and then I added) by improving our standing abroad.
3- Expanding access to affordable health care.
4- Improving educational opportunities.
5- Taking swift action to stop global warming.
What is your outlook for America in 2007 compared to 2006?
How important is eliminating the Republican culture of corruption in Congress to restoring the public's faith in our government?
- Very Important
How important is it for Congress to reassert its constitutionally mandated role as a co-equal branch of government and once again fulfill its oversight responsibility?
- Very Important (and I added): You can do this by standing strong for the American people instead of caving in to the President every time he turns into a bully. Stand up to him!
How aggressively should Democrats investigate potentially illegal and unconstitutional actions by the Bush Administration?
- Very Aggressively (added): If we don't, who will?
2- Protecting our nation from the threat of terrorism (and then I added) by improving our standing abroad.
Kate, I need to ask how you think this could actually happen? To be sure, our standing abroad has declined since Operation Endruing Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom started.
But we were the victims of terror long before that.
Clinton was president when the USS Cole was bombed and the first time terrorist struck at the World Trade Center. Do you think his administration suffered from poor standing abroad?
There are people in the world who hate us for being us. No amount of international good will can overcome that.
The current course of action may or may not be the right one -- but to suggest that by making more friends we are somehow safer is, well, awfully naive for such an intelligent person.
Jim, the operations you name aren't to blame. The current administration is to blame, let's be clear, for the decline of international opinion.
You are correct, though, the problem started long before current Bush made it worse. Before Clinton. (Although I'd argue he did a bit more than others to improve, still, not enough.) Goes back before the last Bush as well. For too long we've been a nation at war. For too long we've propped up corrupt regimes in the Middle East that gave rise to fundamentalism. For too long we have followed destructive foreign policies.
That's what people hate. And we must change that if we are to begin fostering good will and concentrate on the real bad guys. Instead of creating more of them.
How important is eliminating the *political* culture of corruption in Congress to restoring the public's faith in our government?
Fixed that for ya. It's not just Republicans who are dirty rotten scoundrels. The Dems do it too.
Good lookin' out, Jeff.
It's scary that you are teaching our young children.
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