Out in Left Field
Where parenting and politics meet, but don't always play nice.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
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I'm afraid I might be Imused so I won't say Almost-tan Before Almost-man.
So, I'll say "I pity the fool, better vote for the mule"
Hope you feel better.
Heh. "Imused". That made me laugh.
Frakkin' hilarious
Oh, I'm sure there's more than one capable of such, Kate. Though, I do recall another comment being attributed to some recent toe-curling and there's a "wet, juicy kiss" still owed(though I'm not sure my SO would approve). I'm still just an unknown member of Ye Olde Blogosphere.
Will Mrs. Bill Clinton pick Senator BO as her VP running mate? Tune in a year from now for that answer.
Shit that's funny!
Mrs. C and Mr. B *strongly* dislike each other .. look west for the running mate, Bill Richardson no matter who heads the ticket ... mark ... my ... words.
>>Mrs. C and Mr. B *strongly* dislike each other .. look west for the running mate, Bill Richardson no matter who heads the ticket ... mark ... my ... words.<<
Have to admit that was one of my first thoughts, too. However if Mrs. Bill Clinton wins the nomination, and I fully expect her to do so, and puts Richardson on the ticket, then you've got what many Dems regard as a DLC ticket. I've read many blogs and pol websites like DU and Daily Kos where they regard the DLC as Republican-lite at best, and that's being nice about what they say.
So I wonder just how well that'll play with the Dem left (who are really Green Party, they just haven't quite made the move yet). Maybe it would be to her benefit to put someone on the ticket that appeals more to what I would call the "far left" to try and keep them on-board. Any thoughts?
Of course if Senator BO wins he's already got the DLC types wrapped up anyway, and once again the blogs etc. like him, so Richardson makes more sense there than with Mrs. Bill to me anyway.
all due to vanity or a husband whose eye will find another reason to wander. no fix for that, huh?
Kept my man interested despite flips and flops. Now I'm perfect.
So it was just about vanity.
check the inside. of you.
Not so much perfect.
Half Honkey - All Donkey - that's a keeper!
Hilarious! You think I'd get in trouble wearing this in front of my students?
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